An Early Arrival

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~2 months on~ |mauras pov|

I was officially eight months and three weeks along. I'm due any minute now. I was on leave from work.
Frankie left early to go to work. I got up to make myself breakfast when I felt a gush of water between my legs. My water had just broke. I called out for Angela hoping she would hear me. She came rushing in.
"Maura,honey are you okay?!"
"My. Water. Just. Broke." I said in between deep breaths.
"Okay! Okay, I'll drive you to the hospital." She said grabbing the hospital bag and going out the door.
She called Frankie and Jane in the car. They were on the way to meet us there.
My contractions were nine minutes apart. We have time. I told Angela.
We made it to the hospital and Angela said "Maura riz-Isles, eight months along. Contractions are nine minutes apart." I looked at her and smiled.

||6 hours later|| ~Frankies POV~
"It was a long six hours but you did it baby." I said kissing Mauras forehead and looking down at Haven.
"I wanna hold her." Jane whined. Her and Cailin  have been wanting to hold her for ages but Maura just couldn't let go of her.
Maura finally let go of her and gave her to Jane.
"I'm going to get some rest." She said before she fell asleep.
Through out the next week Maura and little Haven had gotten loads of visitors,teddies and all that. Today was the day we finally got to bring our little princess home.
She had my brown eyes,Mauras hair,lips and my nose. She was the perfect combination of us both.

~Janes POV~
She's perfect. I was bringing her for a walk with Tony before Maura and Frankie had to go home and Mauras parents were there.
"Jane! How nice to see you here!" Mauras mother said to me walking up. I handed Haven to Tony and greeted her.
"Who told you we would be here?" I questioned.
"Tony did." Constance said walking over to Tony to see Haven. I walked in front of her.
"Maura doesn't want you's here and you's know that." I said to them then turned to Tony "really? You? You called them?" I said.
"I know she doesn't but we're her parents." Constance said and Tony nodded.
"No. Hope is her mother." I said.
I took Haven and walked back to Mauras room. She was getting her things . I looked at Frankie, he looked back at me.
"Maura your parents are here.." I said not taking my eyes off of Haven. "I told them you didn't want them here." She looked at me. "Thank you." She was wearing maroon pants and a black top. She was ready to leave.

~Hopes POV~
I was at Mauras house preparing a party for Maura,Frankie and Haven. Everyone was here. They walked in the door and everyone shouted 'Welcome home' Maura hugged everyone. I was playing with Haven in the living room. She's so precious. The next thing I could hear was "Frankie you can't be with Maura you don't deserve her!" It was Tommy. Again. They started fighting. Maura got in between them. Tommy went to go hit Frankie and he hit Maura instead. I got Nina to mind Haven.
"Maura, it's okay." I said cleaning up her cut, she won't need stitches. "I feel like I'm tearing that family apart." She said looking at the sink in the bathroom.
"You are not tearing that family apart Maura. Don't think that. Tommy is just jealous." I said hugging her. I saw Angela in the doorway and she came and joined the hug. When Maura was feeling better she walked out and over to Haven and Nina.
"Tommy you need to leave." Angela and I both said. He stormed out.

||next week|| ~Mauras POV~
Frankie went back to work yesterday. I decided to bring Haven to Frosts grave. I got ready and got Haven ready.

We got to the grave and someone was there. We got closer and it was Tony.
"Tony, what are you doing here?" I questioned.
He looked up. "I came to say goodbye to Frost before I left, Jane and I broke up." He smiled at me.
"I'll miss you, do you have to leave?" I took Haven out so he could hold her.
"Yeah, I'll come visit you Maura." Haven made a noise "I'll come visit you too mini Maura" and kissed Havens forehead.

"Do you want to get some coffee?" I asked. We walked to go get coffee and Haven fell asleep. I finally got the chance to say goodbye to Tony.

"Promise you'll call" I said hugging.
"Promise." He said. The next thing he kissed me. I kissed back. We broke apart
"Come back to DC with me." He whispered in my ear.
"Tony, I can't I love Frankie. I have a family here. We're better off friends." I said putting my coffee cup down.
"Goodbye Maura. Goodbye mini Maura." He said waving.
"Goodbye Tony" I waved back and walked out the door, went home and waited for Frankie to come home.

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