The Twins.

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"Josh, please go back to sleep baby" Maura pleaded rocking him in her arms.
Haven wasn't like this she thought to herself, thats the difference between boys and girls.

//4 am\\

"baby why are you sill awake?" frankie asked his wife.

"i was watching him sleep" she said with tears in her eyes. It was hard enough getting him here she thought. "again?" she nodded ever since Josh came home that was her favourite thing to do, other than play dress up with Haven, her little princess.

eventually they both fell asleep again, but it wasn't long until princess Haven came into their room wanting breakfast. "Mommy wake up.....mommy wake up.It's time for my breakfast" Haven whined in Mauras ear. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes. "okay i'll be  down in a minute baby, i have to get Josh."    

it seemed like for ever to get back to work for maura. they were working on a very strange case. Mother died and a few hours and states away the father died leaving two little girls parentless.

Maura saw the two little girls and fell in love with them in an instant. "There is Aria and Amelia Woods. twins, born on September 16th 2012." Jane said reading out the case. "those poor girls" Maura sighed. "have we rung all living family members?" Maura questioned knowing the answer, everyone nodded. "None of them even knew Kaylee and Nate even had these two." Frankie sighed. 

Maura left to go to her office and Frankie followed. he gave her a few minutes so it didn't seem like he was following her." he heard a sob come from her office and thought that it was enough. he went in. "Maura what's wrong?" She looked up at him, "Those poor babies. Left all alone, i wish we could just bring them home. None of their family even knew about them and they'll just end up in the system and that's no way for them two beautiful kids to live." Maura cried into Frankie top. "Maura I'd love to just bring them home and raised them but, you of all people know that is not happens." Frankie said rubbing his wives back. "give me an hour" Frankie told Maura she nodded. 

an hour had passed and Maura was still confused. What was Frankie doing? Frankie came down to Maura's office and smiled "Aria and Amelia can stay with us until they find them a house." Maura smiled "i knew I married a detective for a reason." she teased. 

they brought the girls home and introduced them to Haven and Josh. Aria settled in very fast while it took Amelia a few hours. they were both happy.

///two months on\\\

"Mommy?" Maura heard three girls voices say. She smiled. aria and amelia had started calling her mommy a few weeks after they moved in. "yes babies?" "can we have some pancakes pleasssseee?" all three begged. "fine. okay." maura laughed at all their cute little faces. "you know i love you all" Maura said in awe. "we know" Aria smiled. 

after pancakes maura was talking to Frankie. "baby it has been two months and the social workers haven't called, that means they are still looking for a home for them." Maura said to Frankie. "Maybe if we give them a call and tell them we want to take them- for good i mean" Maura asked. Frankie agreed. He called the social workers and they told them someone would be out in a few days to check out the house and assess the girls. Maura and Frankie were over the moon. 

The social worker came three days after the phone call. She checked out the house to see if it was child friendly, the girls had a room etc. Lastly she asked the girls questions in private. When she was leaving she did not say a word, not if they had the twins for good or not. Maura and Frankie both thanked her at the door and she told them someone would be in contact as soon as possible. They took the three girls and Josh out to the park meeting with Jane, Casey and Emma there. 

it had been just two days since Janett came to the house when their house phone rang. Frankie answered while Maura sat on the arm chair holding Josh in her arms. Frankie said thank you and hung up the phone, he had a frown om his face. "did we not get Ari and Amy?"Maura said with tears forming in her eyes. Frankie looked at her. "i hope those tears are because you're happy that you just became the mother of two twin girls and not that you actually believed me." The tears came out of Mauras eyes while she hugged Frankie. "we got twins" she smiled and kissed him. 

The couple told the kids and the squad the good news and everyone was delighted.

they got their twins they wanted. 

AUTHORS NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so sorry it took me this long to update but i haven't a clue where this book is going anymore but here is  another chapter. 

Stay Safe- C xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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