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|two weeks later| ~Frankies POV~
It was two weeks since I asked Maura to marry me and two weeks since I was asked to go undercover. Today I was leaving. The alarm went off. It was 5:50 am. I was leaving at 5 pm. Maura woke up to the sound of the alarm.
"Are you sure you have to leave?" Maura said sounding sad. "Yes baby, I'll be back in three weeks. Maybe less if we catch him." I said pulling her into a tight hug. I could feel wet on my shoulder. She was crying.
"Maura,baby, what's wrong??" I asked concerned.
"Nothing, nothing." She said wiping her tears away.
"Maura Dorothea Isles. Do not lie to me. What is wrong?" I said.
"I don't want you to go Frankie! Haven is only a few months old! What happens if something to you?!" She cried.
"Maura,Maura! Calm down." I said taking two of her hands. "I have to go undercover. Nothing is going to happen me." I said as I kissed her forehead. "It'll be okay. It'll be okay."  I kept whispering in her ear.

When she stopped crying we went down stairs to have breakfast. Five pm came around very fast.

~Mauras POV~
It's was five pm. Frankie was leaving. Angela had Haven while I said goodbye to him at the door.
"Please stay safe." I said to him. "You too. No running off now talking Google." He replied with a chuckle. He always called me talking Google.
"I'm being serious Frankie. Please be safe. I need you to come home with a beating heart." I hugged him. "I promise I'll try my best." He hugged back.
We broke the hug apart, my arms around his neck and we kissed.
It was broke up by someone beeping a car horn. "I love you" I said to him. "I love you too baby." He replied back before giving a kiss to his Mom and Haven.

|three and a half weeks later| ~Frankies POV~
It's been three and a half  weeks since I left. I missed Maura and Haven so much. I would be able to see them soon.
I was distracted by my thoughts when a gun shot went off. I shot back. Then he shot me. My cover had been blown.
People ran in and arrest people. The last thing I could remember was me saying "tell Maura I love her."

~Mauras POV~
It had been three and a half weeks since he went undercover. He was coming home soon.
I miss having all three of us in the house. It feels empty.
I was playing with Haven in the sitting room.
She was laughing so much. I loved her.
I heard a knock at the door. I put her in her bouncer.
I opened the door.
"Doctor Riz-Isles?"
"Officer. What are you doing here?"
"Frankie has been shot. I was told in inform you. He's been taken to hospital right now."
"Thank you so much" I said with tears in my eyes. 'I told him! Please come home with a beating heart' kept replying in her mind.
Angela came in.
"Maura sweetie what's wrong?" She asked.
"Frankies been shot. He's on the way to hospital."

We drove to the hospital. I walked in with Haven in her push chair.
"How can I help you?" The nurse behind her desk said.
"Frankie Rizzolis room number?"
"And you are what to Mr Rizzoli?" She was being very stuck up.
"He is the father of my child and we're getting married soon."
"Okay , sorry. Mr Rizzoli is still in surgery."
"okay thank you."
We waited and waited and waited.
The doctor finally came out.
"Family of Frankie Rizzoli?"
Jane Angela and I stood up.
"Frankie suffered some shots to the chest. All missing his heart. He is in recovery now-" I cut him off. "Can we go see him?!"
"Yes follow me."

We walked to Frankies room and he lay there hooked up to different machines. Tears began to form in my eyes.
I sat down in the chair beside his bed, took his hand and whispered "please wake up" over and over again.

At six Angela said she would bring Haven home for me.

At eight he woke up.
"OHMYGOD thank you so so so so much for waking up."
He tried sit up but I didn't let him.
"I told you to stay safe Frankie."
"And you told me to come back with a beating heart and I did." I laughed "I knew there was a reason I was marrying you." He smiled.

A week later Frankie was discharged.
We got home I made some dinner for him and then we put Haven to bed.
"Night Haven."I said laying her in her crib.
"Night baby girl." Frankie said kissing her forehead and making a cross sign on her forehead.
I stood outside her bedroom Frankie came behind me. "I want another one" he said in my ear. I turned around "another baby?" He nodded. "Me too but can we wait a while? She's already a handful. She's differently your daughter."
He laughed. "Let's go watch a movie"
"Okay, what one?"
"I heard some people talking about 'the Magdalene sisters' let's watch that."
"Oh that's about three girls who are sent away because they 'sinned'. It's based in Ireland. The girl who plays Sheila in Brooklyn plays Bernadette in it."
"Okay talking Google."
We went down stairs and watched the movie. "I'm so happy your home." I said
"Me too. Me too." He leaned down and kissed me. This kiss got heated.
We stopped because he wasn't cleared for sexual activity. We went back to watching the movie.

"Have you started planing the wedding yet Maur?" Frankie asked.
"Shit." I replied.
"I'm taking that as a no then." He laughed.
"Well what date do you think we should?"
"Well it's October third now. Maybe April 16 of next year."
I agreed.
"Hey Frankie." I said when he got up.
"Don't have anything booked for April 16th next year." He laughed.
"You better not have anything planned either."

We kept watching the movie and we both fell asleep on the sofa.

~Frankies POV~
I went and got Haven and made breakfast.
Jane walked in the door. "Maura Isles?!" She came in shouting.
Maura woke up. "What Jane?!"
"Okay your alive. You weren't answering my texts."
I laughed. I gave Maura some coffee.

"Jane don't book anything for April 16th next year." We both said.
"We're getting married that day."
She nodded. We went off and got ready for work.

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