Frisk's OTP Comes True

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(just a thought and i thought it was funny)

(and sorry if this one was short, i couldn't think of a gud plot line)

(note: in this story, firsk is mute and uses sign language x3)

Geno's P.O.V

"Why do you insist on coming everyday?" Geno asked Reaper, annoyed. "You don't do anything but flirt."

Reaper shrugged. "I thought you liked having me around~" Death said with a smirk. "Besides, doesn't it get boring here? You and Frisk don't have much to do here, and doesn't watching the timeline get boring, especially if you already know what happens?" Reaper paused to look at him. "I'm the exciting thing in this place~"  

Geno grumbled, but he knew Death was right. But he had to admit, he started to enjoy Reaper's company. Even Frisk grown to like him. Every time they spent time together, Geno couldn't help but feel jealous, and he doesn't know why.

"Besides, it gives me the chance to slack off without having the other gods bugging me to do my job," Reaper murmured, fiddling with his scythe. "Your the only one who doesn't bug me to go out a reap souls."

Geno narrowed his eyes. "It sounds like... you don't really like your job."

For once, Reaper's smirk fell. Then he pulled his hood over his head and grinned. "Nah, I'm just lazy. It makes me bone-tired."  

Geno smiled, and chuckled at Death's pun. Maybe Reaper wasn't all that bad after all.

Frisk's P.O.V 

Frisk watched from afar as Geno and Reaper talked. She was writing fan fiction in her head. Ever since Reaper came to visit, Frisk would sequel silently every time Geno blushed. The more Death flirted, the more fluster Geno became. The more fluster Geno became, the more Frisk's Number One ship grew.

Finally, Frisk had enough of this non-stop flirting and less action. She come over to stand behind Death. He didn't notice because he was flirting with Geno again. Geno was trying to hide his face in Papyrus's scarf, but his face was completely blue.

Summoning all of her strength, Frisk gave Reaper a hard shove. Death let out a yelp of surprise and he and Geno tumbled to the ground with Reaper on top of him. Frisk ran away covering her mouth with her hands and watched the magic happen.

Reaper's P.O.V

Death stared down at Geno who was blushing madly. "Hey Geno~" Reaper said with a smirk. "You want that kiss of death now~?"

"S-Shut up," Geno stammered, his face blue as the ocean. Reaper's smirk widen. "You didn't say no~" Death said, leaning in closer. He only stopped when there was a small gap between them. Their faces were so close that Reaper could feel Geno's breath.

Geno glared at him. "I hate you." Death chuckled and licked his lips. "Come on, Geno. We both know that's a lie~"

Reaper ran a finger down Geno's ribs, making him shiver slightly. "Stop fucking tempting me!" Geno growled, grabbing Reaper's face and brought him into a kiss. Reaper didn't hesitate to kiss back. He was trying to get Geno to kiss him ever since Death grew a crush on him. Now, he finally got what he wanted.

Reaper suddenly broke away from the kiss when he heard internal squealing. Geno also seemed confused. There weren't any insects in the Save Screen, and no animals. So what was making that sound?

"Frisk!" Geno and Reaper said at the same time. Reaper quickly got off of Geno and found Frisk with her eyes shining. She was still squealing when Death and Geno came over to her.

"Frisk, what the hell?" Geno demanded angrily, and still blushing from their make-out session. "Were you the one who pushed Reaper on top of me?"

Frisk wasn't fazed, and signed, 'The one and only! I mean, who else could of done it? Reaper can't push himself.'

Geno was about to say something, but stopped when Death knelt down to Frisk's level. He put a hand on her shoulder, and grinned. "Good job kiddo."

Frisk beamed. Geno glanced at Reaper in surprise. "Are you kidding me? She-" Reaper interrupted him by pulling him closer and kissed him. "You were the one who kissed me first, remember~?"

Geno blushed harder and looked away. "Whatever. Wait- does t-that mean we're d-dating now...?" Reaper smirked, and wrapped his warms around Geno's body. "When you put it that way, yes. We are~"

Frisk continued to squeal internally as Reaper kissed Geno again. This time, Geno didn't hesitate to kiss Reaper back and wrapped his arms around Death's neck.

"I love you~" Reaper smirked.

Geno smiled shyly. "I love you to."

(frisk's otp comes true)

(mine otp comes true)

(all of our otps come true)

(who knew frisk could be so wise?)

(gud job frisk)

(you made ur mom(?) proud)

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