a Spring Breeze thing and very short tbh

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while going through my drive i found an ending i wrote for Spring Breeze but it never made it in the actual story

and i was telling a friend about it- cough @BlueNarwhal8 cough- and she said to post it so i will- XD

expect the version i wrote is cringy as hell... so i'm rewriting it here XDD

the original plot and personalities are different from what we have now in case you were wondering by the way


Merely moments ago, Geno was enjoying the beautiful night sky. It was one of those few times when he felt relaxed and safe under the watchful gaze of the twinkling stars. He even visited his brother again to see how Papyrus was doing, seeing that Geno never got the chance to ever since unexpected visitors showed up.

At first, Geno didn't feel much. It felt like something was poking through his stomach. When he looked down, his eyes widened in horror and surprise when he saw a wooden stake pierced through his rib cage, barely missing his chest. He barely had any time to react before the piece of wood yanked out.

His first thought was he going to die. After weeks of the hunter keeping a low profile, Geno wasn't expecting them to take action anytime soon and had lowered his guard without realizing it. Of course, that was his mistake. Geno should've seen it coming. But the last thing he expected was to be killed right in front of his brother's grave.

Blood splattered onto the slab of stone that Geno had tended to for as long as he could remember. Though it didn't hurt right away, it more or less felt like getting punched. It wasn't until he got a good look at the wound in his chest did the pain come in. Panic rose in his chest as Geno watch his white clothing slowly become red. For a few moments, all he could do was stare and attempt to process the sudden turn of events.

Geno was kicked to the ground seconds later, a tall figure completely dressed in black towering over him. They held a wooden stake covered in fresh blood- Geno's blood.

"That was easier than I thought," Death spoke, causing the vampire to flinch. The hunter's once friendly and laid-back tone was replaced with one that was colder than ice. It was sharper than a knife's blade, cutting through everything in its path. Vemon dripped off every word, slowing choking Geno until he couldn't breathe.

Crippling panic overtook his senses and everything in his being told Geno to run away, to put as much distance between him and the hunter as possible, but his current state made that difficult. He didn't want to suffer the same fate his family did, Geno would've been fine with anything but that. Even if it just so happened to be the most painful way to go, it still would've been so much better.

This can't be happening, Geno's body shook with effort and he had started hyperventilating in attempt to calm down. He gripped at his chest, his working pupil shrinking. I can't die like this. Please, god, no.

"Are you done yet?" The hunter asked impatiently.

Geno shakily forced himself to meet the other's gaze and instantly regretted his decision. Death's glare burned with hatred. The pain in his chest grew, though it wasn't coming from the wound. It hurt like the devil, but the ache in his chest was far worse.

The vampire opened his mouth to speak but a sob came out instead. This took Death by surprise as Geno doubled over, hugging himself tightly as he sobbed loudly. What else could he do? In his defense, breaking down seemed more than appropriate. Everything was going downhill. Nothing was right, nothing was going to be okay. Geno's worst nightmare was coming to life and there was no stopping it.

Did the world hate him that much? Is there even one soul that cares?

Considering that only a selected few knew of his existence, Geno had a feeling he could already answer that question himself. Yes, having friends or a family that was still alive would've been nice, but Geno knew that was just wishful thinking. There was no chance. Despite his current situation, he couldn't help but question how he survived this long, especially with his terrible eating habits.

"Just do it..." Geno spoke shakily yet firmly, his grip tightening. Tears dripped down his face and fell pathetically to the ground. "Dammit, what the hell are you waiting for?"

Death didn't reply right away. "Feisty now, hm?"

"Shut up, you bastard!" Geno hissed but immediately started coughing. "I'm so tired of being so alone. I could've f-fed you back to those wolves who got you into this mess, but I was nice. I'm- I'm such an idiot. A hunter a-and a vampire could never work..."

Death raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "Living alone for such a long time really left you affection-starved and a bit crazy, huh?" He let out a dark chuckle and knelt down beside the fallen skeleton, smirking. "Goth really did like you, you know, but I warned the kid. I came here to do my job and that's that. He thought he could change my mind."

Geno stared at him. His head spun and Geno was starting to feel lightheaded from blood loss. "Everything... was fake?"

"Of course it was," Death spoke as if it was obvious, though his voice cracked only slightly. "Geno, you're isolated from the world and hiding away in a forest. If anything, I'm doing you a favor. The pain will go away and you'll finally be at peace. Doesn't that sound nice?" Death asked with a small smile. "You'll see your family again if you allow me to do this one favor for you. You deserve a break."

Very slowly and hesitantly, Geno nodded. He couldn't help it. The hunter's harsh tone had dropped down to a smoother level. It almost made him feel relaxed and safe, just like it did in the past. He so badly wanted to give in and let Death end it all, but a part of him wasn't sure if they were ready to go.

Yet maybe Death was right. Before Death and Goth arrived, Geno had never felt so alone, it was almost unbearable. Sometimes, Geno would talk to himself just so he could hear someone's voice. He had to face cruel reality for years and years, only for everything to end thanks to a single hunter in a matter of weeks.

The other's smile widened though it seemed forced. "You're making the right choice, I promise. Just relax, okay?"

The tension gradually left Geno's body, though tears continued to roll down his face. "C-Can you say goodbye to Goth for me...?"

Death's grip on the piece of wood quivered. "Of course."

The hunter helped Geno sit up and he found himself in Death's embrace. Geno's vision blurred with a wave of fresh tears. He managed to grip onto the other's clothing and whisper something in Death's ear.

It could've been his imagination, but he thought he saw Papyrus standing in the distance. Geno wanted to reach out to his brother and call out his name but the stake was once again pierced through his body. This time, it hit him directly in his chest.

"It's time to go home, Geno," Death said softly to him as Geno's arms went limp. His voice was shaky and tears threatened to spill. "I'm sorry."

Death shrugged off his coat and draped it over the vampire's body. Geno looked so tired yet at peace. Death cradled him close, tears now running freely down his face as a sad smile found its way onto his face. Even now, Death couldn't help but find the other breathtaking.

"I love you too."


im not gonna lie i kind of gave up half-way but finished it for the most part

i doubt it's very sad but i tired lmfao

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