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(astraphobia - the fear of lightning and thunderstorms)

Geno's P.O.V 

Geno was at Reaper's house, and it was getting late. He knew he should be going soon, but if he had to be honest he didn't want to leave. A thunderstorm was suppose to come during the night, and Geno didn't want to be alone. But at the same time he didn't want to make it awkward.

With a sigh, Geno looked at the clock. "I guess I better get going. There should be a thunderstorm soon."

Reaper shrugged. "You can stay over if you want. I don't mind."

Normally, Geno would of said no. But in this case, he was sorta happy. But at the same time, he didn't want Reaper to find out about his silly fear of thunderstorms. "It's okay, I'll be fine."

"It's just one night," Reaper said. "Not the end of the world."

Geno sighed. Honestly, he did want to stay but there was no way he was going to admit that out loud. "Fine, but where am I going to sleep?"

Geno instantly regretted asking when a smirk appeared on Reaper's face. "You could sleep with me~"

Geno jumped and his face was instantly on fire. But what surprised him the most was how Reaper's voice changed. It become low and husky, completely different from what he was used to.

If he had to be honest, he was tempted to say yes. When he was young, he found that sleeping besides someone during a thunderstorm made him feel safer, and he was able to relax more. But it was usually with a close family member.

Maybe my brain wants me to sleep with my best friend that happened to be my crush that so happens to be the God of fucking Death, Geno thought neutrally. Or perhaps my brain wants me to sleep besides a sexy jerk that loves to annoy me to death. A jerk that might make me feel safe from thunderstorms. To hold me in their strong arms, and never let go. It'll be like a protective shield, only better! Like the hero in those movies that saves everyone from their fears.

Wait, that's too cheesy. Never mind.

Reaper laughed at Geno's expression. "I'm just joking. I have a guest room you can stay in."

Geno breathed out a small sigh and followed Reaper to the guest room. It was a bit empty, but at the same time cozy. Simple, but not too dull.

"Makes yourself at home," Reaper said, smiling. "Let me know if you need anything."

Geno nodded and watched Reaper close the door behind him. Looking outside of the window, Geno noticed that the sky was already covered with dark clouds, and rain started to pour. It was only a matter of time before the thunder comes.

Biting his lip, Geno closed the curtains. His soul was pounding, even though nothing has happened yet. Geno crawled into bed and covered his body with a blanket. He felt like he was hiding from a serial killer.

After a few minutes of taking deep breaths, he started to relax. Maybe the forecast was mistaken, and there won't be any thunder or lightning. They weren't correct every time.  

Suddenly there was loud BOOM! Geno jumped, and covered his ears, in attempt to block out the sound. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and lightning flashed.

Most monsters wouldn't think much of thunderstorms, but oh Geno hated them to it's very core. He hated them ever since he was a kid, and there was no sign of that changing anytime soon.

Without thinking, Geno rushed out of the room and banged on Reaper door, begging for him to open it. He yelped when there was another BOOM!

After a few moments, the door opened. "What's wrong?"

Geno instantly tackled Reaper into a hug. He didn't care if Reaper thought he was weird. He needed to hold onto somebody. Even if it turned out to be his crush.

Geno buried his face into Reaper's cloak, trembling. He felt arms wrap around him, as Reaper led them to his bed with Geno in his lap.

A slight hue of blue tinted Reaper's cheeks. He gave Geno a warm smile. "You wanna change your mind?"

Geno blushed but gave a tiny nod. Reaper comforting rubbed Geno's back as Geno held on for dear life. As lightning flashed, Geno let out small whimpers. 

Reaper started humming a small, comforting tune. Soon, Geno began to relax and his quick breathing returned to normal. All Geno could hear was Reaper's humming. It was almost like the storm was gone.

Letting out a happy sigh, Geno let himself get lulled to sleep.


When Geno woke up that day, and found that they were sleeping with each other, he mentally screamed. A few weeks later, there was supposed to be another thunderstorm. This time, Reaper wasn't here to make Geno fell safe.

Soon the rain started pouring. Geno covered himself with blankets, and shut his eyes closed, preparing himself for the lightning to come.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock. Reluctantly, Geno uncovered himself and opened the front door. His soul soared when he saw Reaper standing there.

"R-Reaper? What are you doing here?" Geno asked, bringing him inside. "I-It's late."

Geno blushed bright blue when Reaper hugged him from behind. "I'm here to protect you from the storm."

"I don't need protecting," Geno murmured, crossing his arms. As he said that, lightning flashed and Geno flinched violently. 

Reaper chuckled and led Geno to his room. They sat on the bed, with an arms around Geno's waist, and a hand holding onto Geno's. Geno's entire face was blue, despite the thunderstorm going on outside.

"I hate you," Geno murmured, snuggling into Reaper's cloak. He felt safe with Reaper around. Reaper was like a protecting shield, protecting him from his fears.

"Love you too~" Reaper hummed.

Geno completely forgot about the thunderstorm going on and repeated the words Reaper just said in his mind.

He loves me. He loves me. He loves me. Oh my god what do I do? Is he lying? Maybe he's lying. He could be lying. But what if he wasn't? Should I say I love you too? Holy fucking shit his face is really close to mine...

Geno mentally panicked. He was afraid that if he said something wrong, he could ruin his friendship with Reaper. But at the same time this could be his only chance to admit his feelings.

"I-I... I love you too." Geno barely whispered. He gulped and waited for Reaper's response.

Geno suddenly felt something warm on his mouth. Lightning ran down his spine, as he melted into the kiss. The storm suddenly seemed long gone.

When Reaper finally pulled away, he looked like the happiest skeleton on earth. "You have no idea how long I have been waiting for you to say those words." 

(just a quickie that i spent like 4 hours staring at so im not sure if its good or not but eh)

(i have another one to do but since i dont know what to do with it i made this)


(now lets get some lightning/thunder puns)

(try typing them fast as lightning)


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