When Death Loves you very Aggressively

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Geno's P.O.V

Geno and Reaper were making their way downtown (sorry XD), chatting and laughing. They were minding their own business. Suddenly, Geno bumped into a monster. The monster turned around and glared at him. It looked like a bull, a horse, and a human fused into one. He looked beyond mad.

"Watch where your going!" He said harshly. "Or you'll regret it."

"Sorry," Geno murmured, annoyed. Then he realized Reaper was giving the monster a death stare as the monster started walking away.

Oh no...

"I have to do something," Reaper said with a smirk. His hand reached into his cloak, and brought out his scythe. Even though he said nothing, his expression said, 'I'm going to kill him for threatening my boyfriend.'

"Reaper. NO."

"Reaper yes~


Geno was walking through the park, enjoying the good weather. He had a long day, and he needed some time to relax. The birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and it was the perfect weather for a game of catch.

When Geno walked by a group of teenagers, they snickered and one of them stuck out a foot and almost tripped him but Geno caught himself just in time.

"Oops, my bad." One of them sneered.

Geno rolled his eyes and walked away. He heard laughing behind him, but he ignored them. Good thing Reaper didn't see that, or else he would have their heads.

Geno froze when he heard screaming. Looking behind him, Geno face palmed himself. Well, speak of the devil! He saw Reaper with his scythe raised over his head and chasing the teenagers. He was yelling meaningless curse words at the top of his non-extent lungs.

"Welp, there goes my afternoon," Geno groaned, running up to him. "Reaper, why you do this?"

Reaper looked at him. "Oh, hi Geno." Reaper said awkwardly, his scythe still over his head. He glanced at the scythe and back to Geno. "Uh- I wasn't trying to kill them?"

Geno sighed and lowered Reaper's scythe. "What am I going to do with you?"

"You can fuck me~"



"Reaper, leave them alone!"

"But they tried to take your scarf! And we both know very well how much it means to you."

"Yeah, but still! You can't go off threatening kids for being curious! Especially toddlers! Toddlers for crying out loud!"


"Because you'll have to deal with their parents!"


"Because it's wrong!"


"Reaper, I don't have time for this."


"Fuck you."


"Wait what?"


"You know, this problem needs to stop." Geno murmured, leaning on his hands. They were sitting at a table, with little cups of tea. "I feel like I have to keep an eye on you 24/7."

Reaper gave him a look. "What problem?"

Geno glared at him. "You know very well what I'm talking about."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"Really, I don't."

"Goddammit Reaper," Geno groaned. "I'm talking about threatening people for 'messing with me!' You know, chasing after them with your scythe and screaming? You did that yesterday! Remember that!?"

Reaper thought for a moment. "Yeah... I don't see how that's a issue."

Geno flipped the table over.

Reaper looked at the table and to Geno. "Someone's mad~" Reaper said with a smirk.

"I hate you."

"Love you to~"


"Can you please not threatening random people?" Geno asked.

"No." Reaper replied with a grin.

"I feel like I should be surprised, but I'm not." Geno said under his breath.

"Aww, that's no fun~"



"Congratulations Geno!" Chara giggled madly. "You found something that I can't kill! Wow, you should be proud of yourself!"

"Shut the hell up," Geno growled, glaring at the demon child.

Chara just smirked. "I can't wait until he abandons you! You would be so heartbroken over that reaper, that you'll end up taking your anger on others!"

The thought terrified him, but Geno didn't let it show. "I'm not going to take my anger on others. It's Reaper's choice to leave or stay. Nobody's forcing him to do it."

Chara just giggled. "Or perhaps Reaper doesn't care at all! Maybe he's using you and playing with your emotions."

"Reaper wouldn't do that," Geno snapped.

"Oh, I'm not done yet!" Chara sneered. "He kills innocent souls, just like me! You do realize your in love with a killer, right?"

Geno tightened his fist. "Reaper is nothing like you! It's his job to reap dying souls. You kill for fun. See the difference, or do you need an explanation?"

Chara giggled. "Oh, your so naive-"

"FUCKING DEMON CHILDREN MESSING WITH MY BOYFRIEND'S EMOTIONS YOU FUCKERS HAVE NO LIFE AND YOU COULD ONLY WISH TO BE HAPPY AND AMAZING AS HE IS YOU LITTLE SHITS AHHHHHHHH!" Reaper yelled, appearing out of nowhere. Then he proceeded to hit Chara on the head repeatedly with his scythe until she passed out. Even when she was laying there unconscious, Reaper was still hitting them.

Geno could only stare at the god of death and the unconscious child. At this point, he wasn't even surprised anymore. "This is becoming a thing normal for me..."

(im sorry)

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