Movie Night

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(just a quickie)

(and dont ask about the pic above, since its about horror movies i thought why not put a fuking dead body)

(just ignore it lol)

edit: i got rid of the dead body- now its art that Troxa made for me like 5 yrs ago <3

Reaper's P.O.V 

Reaper sat on the couch, when there was a loud knock on his door. When he opened the door, he saw an extremely annoyed Geno.

"Came back to get you phone?" Reaper guessed with a smirk. Geno nodded and pushed his way inside without a word. Reaper chuckled, and closed to door behind him and sat back on the couch.

"If you knew I forgot my phone, why did you tell me?" Geno growled, grabbed his phone from the counter.

Reaper shrugged. "I like your company."

Geno groaned and started to head to the door when Reaper stopped him. "I wouldn't go outside if I were you. Heard there's going to be a pretty bad storm."

As Reaper spoke, rain started to fall. Soon, it was pouring so hard that walking out there would be like walking into a snow storm. Thunder rumbled, and the sky grew dark.

Geno stared outside. "Guess you stuck here until the storms over," Reaper said, smirking.

"...I feel like you planned this." Geno groaned, sitting on the couch next to Reaper.

Reaper pretended to be hurt, placing a hand over his non-extent heart. "Why would you think that? I can't control the weather."

"Yeah, but still." Geno sighed. "I hate you."

"Try telling me something I don't know," Reaper said, shrugging. "Want to watch a movie to pass the time?"

Geno shrugged. "I guess so, we don't really have anything else to do."

After they got popcorn, Reaper started to look for a movie to watch. Reaper smirked and chose a horror movie. "How about this one? Or are you too scared?"

"S-Scared? Never! Just play it and lets get this over with." Geno said quickly, sending a glare at Reaper. He knew Geno hated horror movies, and would always try to grab onto Reaper's arm when he got scared. Reaper just sent a wink in reply, and played the movie.

Geno stiffened, and tried not to pay much attention to the movie. Reaper just smirked, and watched calmly.

This was going to be fun.

During the scary parts, Geno was try not to show that he was afraid, but 'afraid' was written all over his face. Geno grabbed onto Reaper's arm once, and blushed furiously. Reaper smiled, and gave a small chuckle.

When the movie started to get really scary, Geno yelped and latched onto Reaper, trembling. Reaper just smiled, and put a arm around Geno comfortingly.

Soon, the movie ended and Geno started to calm down. When he realized that he was holding onto Reaper, he blushed and let go.

"I fucking hate you," Geno pouted, crossing his arms.

Reaper chuckled. "Want to watch another?"

Geno glared at Reaper. If looks could kill, Reaper would be dead by now. Reaper shrugged, and pulled Geno close to him and put on another movie. Geno sighed, since he knew Reaper wasn't going to let go anytime soon. And since it was another horror movie, Geno didn't mine being this close.

Eventually, Geno snuggled into Reaper's cloak. By the time the movie ended, they were asleep in each others arms. 

Reaper woke up before Geno did. The first thing he noticed was the sleeping skeleton in his arms. He looked so peaceful, that Reaper didn't want to wake him up. The raining had stopped, and the sky was clear again.

Reaper felt arms tighten around him. Geno buried his face in Reaper's cloak, mumbling happily.

"Mine..." Geno purred like a cat. Wait- a cat? Since when could skeletons purr like a cat? Well, since Geno was adorable Reaper didn't mind. And did Geno just claim that Reaper was his?

Maybe he was having a weird dream. Reaper's thoughts were cut short when Geno stirred. He yawned like a kitten and blinked a few times. Reaper was about to die from the cuteness.

Reaper pushed away all of those dirty thoughts that ran through his head and smirked. "Somebody slept well~"

It took a few moments to realize that Geno was hugging Reaper tightly. He jumped and ended up across the couch, hissing.

"Why were we asleep together?" Geno asked, blushing like crazy.

"Why are you so much like a cat?" Reaper asked, rising a non-extent eyebrow. "First, you purr in your sleep. Next, you yawn like a kitten. Now, you just hissed like a angry cat that didn't get fed on time. And to answer your question, we fell asleep while watching movies last night."

Geno frowned and thought for a moment. "I had a dream that you were a neko. I'll admit, you were adorable."

It was Reaper's turn to blush slightly. He wasn't used to compliments, especially from Geno. He decided to chance the subject. "Anyway, while you were asleep, you said I was yours." Reaper smirked as Geno blushed even more. "Does your statement still stand?"

Geno opened his mouth, then closed it. He sighed, and Reaper's smirk widened. "Shut up."

Reaper pulled Geno close to him. "Mine~"

Geno pouted, but didn't object. His entire face was bluer then the ocean.

"I love you~"

"...I love you to."


"I noticed we never ate the popcorn." Reaper commented, pointing at the bowl of popcorn on the table.

Geno sighed. "You had to ruin our moment."

Reaper shrugged. "Just trying to stop all of the dirty thoughts going through my head."

"Wait, what?"


(this turned from movie night into geno being a cat)

(if i see any cat puns im going to throw a hissy fit)

(lololololol just kill me)

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