Something New (Underfell)

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yAY FOR FREAKIN UNDERFELL~!! I don't see that many Fell!Afterdeath fics, and I've wanted to make one for a long time, but never got any ideas for it until someone gave me a suggestion that I really liked, so here we are~!

The drawing and Fell!Afterdeath belongs to Nateeev on tumblr~ :3c


The night was cold and chilly by the time Geno had finally decided to head back home. After his big fight with Death, he had stormed off and gone out for a walk to cool down, since they usually help him to sort out his thoughts. Although they usually fight on a regular basis, all Geno had to do was say three words that had apparently touched a nerve, and it all went downhill from there. Their fights were never this bad, and Geno was almost afraid to return home and face Death again.

He didn't even mean to say that to Death. In fact, he had never really said them to Death, ever, not on purpose. The words had accidentally slipped out of his mouth, and Geno regretted every moment of it, but Death's reaction was what surprised him the most. His usual, snarky and rude attitude had completely melted away, and something must have snapped. When Geno had stormed off, those three words echoed in his head and made his soul ache, because no matter what Death did, Geno knew that everything he said had never been true.

Whenever his partner was angry, he would usually either take it out on Geno by yelling at him or hitting him only once or twice, but then Death would always either go to his room or come back home drunk afterwards. Sometimes, when he was alone, Geno had thought about leaving the god of death, but he had nowhere to go. He even tried to commit suicide multiple times behind Death's back, but all of his attempts had been proven futile and only made his life worse.

Geno's anxiety grew as the house he and Death shared came into view. He couldn't remember the last time he had actually been looking forward to going home. Before they started living together, Geno and Death rarely fought. For once in a long time, Geno was genuinely happy. Now, the number of times Geno had tried to kill himself had risen and depression weighed on his shoulders like a thousand bricks piling on top of him.

Geno just wished he knew what he did wrong that made Death this way. It hurt to look back at their good times together, and Geno desperately wished he had those times back. The fact that he still loved Death made the pain even worse.

When Geno had finally arrived back home, he was almost expecting Death to be there, waiting for him. But, to his surprise, the god of death was nowhere in sight. He found Death's scythe leaning against the wall like always, which was odd. It wasn't like Death to leave the house without it, so this was entirely new.

Geno was about to dismiss the thought until he heard something clatter onto the ground in the kitchen. He immediately went to go investigate, assuming Death was there, most likely doing something stupid. But as he listened carefully, Geno could hear heavy, shaky breathing.

"I need something sharper than this..." He heard a growl of frustration coming from the kitchen, and Geno immediately recognized Death's voice. For some reason, he didn't sound like himself. Death's voice was strained and shaky, but Geno couldn't think of an explanation as to why.

Why would Death need something sharp? He has no reason to use a knife or anything like that when he already has a scythe, Geno asked himself, approaching the kitchen. His soul was pounding and his anxiety grew. What the hell is he doing in there?

Afterdeath One-Shots! (Aftertale Sans x Reapertale Sans)Where stories live. Discover now