Glad You Came

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(inspired by this song)

(i was listening to this and for some reason i thought AFTERDEATH)

(so here we are)

(its a gud song i recommend it x3)

(this story is also somewhat inspired by this story called 'Geno Knew' by Sparklekitty101 so go check her out, her stories are great and she's also a fan of afterdeath x3)

Geno's P.O.V

Geno waited Reaper to leave, since everybody dose. But Reaper always spent his free time with Geno. It was like Reaper was glued to him, and Geno couldn't get rid of him. Geno figured Reaper would get bored and leave eventually, but it was taking longer then he wanted it to.

Geno knew he was getting closer and closer to the god of death and he didn't like it one bit, but at the same time he loved spending time with Reaper, but he would never admit it. Reaper didn't seem to mind. As long as he can spend time with Geno, he was fine.

The only things Reaper left was to do his job, but then he would come straight back like a desperate puppy and annoy Geno all over again.

"Your a asshole," Geno murmured.

Reaper shrugged. "I'm whatever you want me to be."

Geno looked at him, rising a non-existent eyebrow. "So you would be a dog if I asked you?"

"Sure, why the fuck not?" Reaper said with a chuckle.

Geno snorted and put a collar around his neck with a leash in his hand. "Roll over." Geno commanded. He didn't expect Reaper to actually roll over. Reaper had done a lot of weird things, but this by far was the weirdest thing he has ever done. Geno laughed so hard he fell on his side. Reaper just grinned and chuckled.

Despite everything Reaper said, Geno knew his snarky companion would leave someday. Countless mouths passed, and Reaper never left unless he was doing his job. Mouths turned into a year. As time went by, Reaper started talking more honestly to Geno.

Instead of, "Did you miss me~?" He would say, "I missed you, and I could really use your company."

"Giving Death the cold shoulder I see~" Turned into, "I'm sorry if I made you upset, I don't like upsetting the people I love."

Geno watched as his hate for Reaper turned into friendship. He watched as Reaper became his best friend. Only then Geno realized how much he needed Reaper in his life, and how much Reaper needed him.

As two years passed, Geno's feeling towards the god of death shifted into something else. As much as he loved talking, laughing, and arguing with the god, he wanted Reaper to hold him in his arms, sleep with him in bed, and whisper sweet nothings to him. All Reaper had to do was say three simple words to sweep him off his feet.

However, Geno never let him in and kept his mouth shut. The last person he let in was Papyurs, and when Papyurs died it destroyed him.  

Geno just couldn't bear the fact of loosing Reaper and dealing with the pain all over again. He knew he would wake up one day and his beloved Reaper would be no where in sight, and it would brake his heart more then it should.

But Reaper stayed put. Geno even tired to get rid of him, but it failed as Reaper asked him on a date. As Reaper asked him to be his boyfriend. As Reaper and Geno shared their first kiss.

Never in so long as Geno let someone grow so close to him. He always had walls built to prevent further pain and more suffering. Yet here he is, laughing with his boyfriend in bed. His walls were broken down. At this point, Geno didn't care if he had to suffer when Reaper leaves him. He would enjoy every moment with him while he can without having walls up.  

Two years became four, and he and Reaper lived happily together. Reaper even started to skip his job time to time just to spend more time with Geno. They spent memorable moments together. It didn't matter what it was. To cuddling to doing crazy things like getting drunk. Another year passed, and Geno was living with his husband happily.

Geno even started to wonder if they could handle children. When he asked Reaper, Reaper's only reply was a chuckle and, "If it makes you happy, then I'll do anything for you."

After a few mouths, they ended up adopting two kids, a baby girl and a little boy. They lived as a happy family, and Geno couldn't ask for anything else. He was smiling a real smile. He knew Reaper was broken in the past, but now he was full again.

Every time Reaper left to do his job, Geno would wait for him to come home. Sometimes he would stay up late, just to see Reaper's face before he went to sleep.

Geno watched with a big smile as the sun was setting and the stars started to appear one by one. Their kids were playing in the grass. Geno and Reaper sat in the grass together happily.

Geno knew his life would never be the same, but that was okay. As long as he had Reaper and his kids by his side, he didn't care what happened.

"I'm glad you came..."

Afterdeath One-Shots! (Aftertale Sans x Reapertale Sans)Where stories live. Discover now