Heading Home/Getting Pregnant

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Lexa's POV: 

 So after Clarke left the room I waited a bit and followed her and walked around in the shadows so she didn't see me but at the end she felt like she was being watched and she quickly went back to the room and I followed her but waited a bit then entered the room and she saw me then laid down on the bed, so I walk over to her and I sit on the bed and she rolls over not wanting to face me which makes me sigh and lower my head then I speak "Clarke you may do it" then she sits up and lifts up my head "are you sure your allowing me to do this" and I nod my head "but you have to tell what your doing" then she gets up and stands in front of me "well like I said there were two options but one was out" and I nod "well the first option was which I am not doing is to sleep with some guy, and the second one is to just inseminate me with the sperm no physical contact or anything just laying there while a doctor like my mom injects it through a tube." this kinda makes me sick on how they do this but its better than my Clarke sleeping with another man. 

 So we are heading back to Camp Jaha and Clarke has a big smile on her face because she was getting what she wanted but I was still unsure how to feel about this whole thing but if it makes her happy then I will have to be happy to even if I don't fully like the idea. 

Clarke's POV: 

 As we were almost back to Camp Jaha I could Lexa was thinking about something but I wasn't sure, but I do have a feeling that its about the whole baby  thing an I don't think she is to happy about the one idea but she knows I won't pick that one because its not something I wouldn't do in my life time so as we arrive at the camp we walk the horses in and I grab her hand and lead her to the medical tent and I saw my mom an she had everything set up well I know Raven did it cause I contacted her to then tell my mom about it and my mom wasn't to happy about it because she didn't really like the person who decided to donate and that person was Bellamy Blake an I was thinking that's why Lexa didn't like it cause it was Bellamy who donated. 

 Time Skip 

  So after the major process was over I was inside the ark in my room of course cause I was told to rest by my mom,Raven, and Lexa of course so I listen to them and Lexa comes with me though not only because she wanted to I asked her to come with me cause I din't want to be alone. So as I was laying in bed I had to wait a few hours before taking the first test and usually its not positive cause it just happened, so as I am laying on my bed Lexa says she is going to get me a drink an a small snack so I nodded my head at her then a few minutes later I heard a knock at the door and I got up and opened it an I saw Bellamy an I asked "Yes may I help you?" an he shrugged "I just wanted to see how you were doing" an I nodded "I am doing good" then I saw Lexa and he face wasn't the nicest at the moment because Bellamy was there. 

Lexa's Pov: 

 I was staying with Clarke while we waited for the result then I am going to ask her where she wants to stay an raise the baby, so I told her I was going to get her a drink and a small snack an as I headed to the small kitchen area her mom was there and she had her head down in her hands so after I grabbed the items for Clarke I debated to go talk to her but I wasn't sure how she would be cause of everything that is happening, so I shrug it off but walk away knowing I can chat with her later when she seems to be in a better mood. When I was walking back I was thinking of what the result would be then I get closer and I see Bellamy talking to Clarke an she does notice me but makes sure Bellamy doesn't notice yet, then I speak up "Clarke I got you your items" this caused him to turn around an waved by to Clarke then I walked into the room and smiled at her "So did you take a test while I was gone" and she shook her head no.

 So we laid on her bed thinking of so many things I was debating whether or not to ask her yet about where she wanted to have the baby, so I turned to her and then she looked at me "Clarke I know you want this baby but what about Ava" an she looks away "I know two kids seems much but I will love them both equally" and I hold her close and whisper "We both will" then she nods then I ask again "So Clarke where do you plan on having the baby if you get pregnant" an she looks at me "I was thinking in TonDc if that's alright with you" this causes me to smile and respond "Yes that is alright with me" then I hold her close and we drift off to sleep. 

Adopted By Clexa (Clarke & Lexa The 100) Where stories live. Discover now