Proposal(Not Marriage)

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Time Skip 5  months  

Clarke's Pov:  

  I was laying on the bed with one hand on my stomach and I felt sick and I jolted up and threw up right next to the bed then I heard the flap open an I look up at Lexa and she ran over to me and rubbed my back and I shake my head "Lexa I don't like this" and she grabbed my hand "I know babe but its going to be alright" and I nod my head then I watch her put her hands on my stomach which causes me to smile an then she lowers her head and kisses my stomach which makes me giggle "Lexa that tickles" so she then looks up at me smiling then kisses me quickly and then asks "Clarke would you like to go visit your mother and friends or should we send to bring them here" and I look at her "I would like to go visit because I need to get out of this bed because you never let me leave this bed" then she nods her head then helps me out of the bed and I groan and sigh then Lexa looks at me and asks "Whats wrong" then I look at her "I'm fat" then she shakes her head "No babe your not fat you are beautiful because you are carrying our child and I am happy for that" then we get ready to leave.

So Lexa got a warrior of hers to take us because she wasn't going to make me walk all that way, so we were heading towards the ark and I looked at Lexa an smile then she smiles back the we pull up to the to the entrance and she helps me get up then she gives me a blanket cause its kinda cold it cause winter is coming, so we walk inside and people are looking at us then Octavia runs over and looks at us "Clarke are you alright" and I nod my head "Yes I am just cold an we are here to see my mother" which she nods and takes us both to the medical tent then leaves. 

Lexa's Pov: 

  So once we arrived into the medical tent I saw Abby and I called out to her and she looked back at us an smiled then walked over to us then she spoke of course "So how are you two?" then I looked at Clarke seeing if she wanted to say the good news so she nodded and then looked back at her mother and spoke "I hope your happy to be a grandma" and then Abby goes shocked then I took the blanket off of Clarke so she can see her stomach and she smiles and asks "How far" then she speaks "About 5 months" and I look at them both smiling then Clarke asks "Mom where is Bell" then after she tells her she grabbed the blanket and wrapped cause and left the tent which I was going to follow but I stayed put and talked with Abby until she had to get back to work then once she did I left the tent and waited for Clarke to return. 

Bellamy's Pov: (Shocker also warning for somewhat abuse sorry not good I tried) 

  I sat at a small table feeling like that after Clarke left it was my fault because she chose this over a normal life, then as I was sitting there I saw someone walking toward me and since its been 5 months since Clarke has been gone it was hard to recognize  her if it was her or not but soon enough she was close enough for me to realize it was her so I stand up and walk over after she stopped then I asked "Clarke how have you been?" then she nods "I have been good" then I tell her to follow me so we can go inside the ark to talk cause its more private an a bit warmer than out here. Then once we got to my room I look at her "Clarke why do this" then she looks at me then takes off the blanket for me to see her progress then she spoke "Do what Bell be happy with Lexa and have a baby" which cause me to shake my head then walk over to her "We all know you don't love Lexa you want me" she then backs up to the wall and tries to leave but I grab her wrist tightly which makes her yell "Bell let go!"   then I slap her across the face "Shut up!!" then I push her down and kick her in the back and once in the stomach then I picked her up and pushed her up against the wall by the neck and she keep trying to scream "Bellamy get off of me!!" 

  Then I hit her a few times in the face and she kept screaming for me to stop but I never did then I threw her back on the ground and spoke "Tell anyone you die" then I left the room and walked out of the ark after I cleaned myself up. 


Clarke's Pov: 

  I laid there crying not really able to move so I moved over to the bed the best I can and pulled myself up the best I could then I limped out of the room and looked around then I lowered my head once I got out of the ark and the only people that saw me where Raven, Octavia, Lexa, and Bellamy but he stayed away while they ran over to me but I still didn't lift my head so they didn't know I was injured but once we were away from Bellamy I lifted my head and this caused all of them to gasp especially Lexa then she asked "Who Clarke?!" then I whisper "Bellamy" then of course she gets mad an tells Raven and Octavia to take me to my mom while she went to deal with Bell which made me worried cause I didn't know what would happen.  

 So after my mom patched me up and told me the baby was alright which I was thankful for but I would be limping for quite some time cause of when I was kicked in the spine, so then I left the tent and I saw Raven but no Octavia so I looked at Raven an ask "Raven where did Octavia go" then she looked at me "Well when you said who did that to you she got really pissed so she went with Lexa" then I nod my head an sit next to her an waited for Lexa cause I wanted to get back to TonDc before dark. 

Time Skip Back at TonDc 

Lexa's Pov: 

 So when we got back Clarke seemed so tired but I had to keep her up a few more minutes so I can ask her something then she was sitting on the bed cause I told her cause she was in pain so I looked at her smiling and got down on both knees and grabbed her hand an looked up at her "Clarke I have loved you for a very long time now and I want it to be forever so will you do the honor of being my co-commander and helping me with the clans?" then she gasps and puts a hand up to her mouth and nods her head. Then we laid in the bed and went off to sleep cause Clarke was really tired. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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