Finding Lexa

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Clarke's POV: 

 At this moment all I see is black but I do hear voices around me and I try to move but all I feel is pain then I open my eyes and groan and then all eyes were on me and I first saw my mom looking at me an she rushed over to me as I quickly sat up an winced in pain then looked down at my leg and then looked my arm. My mom had told me that I had been shot in both my arm and leg and I wasn't allowed to do anything but I couldn't just sit in camp an do nothing while some bastard who had taken Lexa but of course I was stuck in camp while there was a couple groups out looking for Lexa but I wanted to be out there looking. So as I lay in the my tent in pain because of my shot wounds but I decided to get up but winced and limped out of my tent wishing I were to see Lexa but I knew she was still missing, so I walked/limped around the camp looking for someone to talk to when she spotted Raven sitting on a rock next  to the fence and then she looked up at me an smiles and asks "So how are you feeling?" an all I do is shrug "I'm alright I guess I just wish Lexa was here" then sat down next to Raven thinking then asks "Raven is that part of the fence still out?" Raven nods her head but didn't say anything, then Clarke got up and headed back towards her tent and grabbed her bag and her gun and sneaked  out of her tent and walked/limped to the part of the fence that they turned off and left the camp on her own search for Lexa because she had an idea of who took her. 

Lexa's POV: 

  They took me from my Skai Prisa and I couldn't move at all well I could but it's hard to when my arms an legs are chained up to a wall an all I can feel is pain because of the torture I have been given.  The next thing that happens is that the cell door opens up and I lower my head not to make eye contact with them because I can think of is my Skai Prisa who I dont know what happened to her, then the man spoke "well it looks like someone is awake" then I scream out "WHERE IS MY SKAI PRISA!!" he then started laughing "Do you mean the little blonde named Clarke?" an I nod my head then he smirks "Oh I don't think you will see her anymore" he laughs at the end and I scream out "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER!!!" he sent one of his men over to me and he started the torture again and of course all you heard were screams coming from me.  So after that happened I was curled up in a corner in pain not wanting to move at all until I heard commotion coming towards the door and I kept my eyes closed until I heard the cell door opens and I hear footsteps coming towards me and I wanted to move and try to attack this time but I couldn't move until I heard a familiar voice say "Lexa I'm here to get you back to Clarke" and then I open my eyes to see Bellamy standing there and I make a small smile and he picks me up gently and we leave Mount Weather and headed back towards Camp Jaha.  

Clarke's POV: 

 So I was out still on my way to the mountain because I knew they were the ones who had taken Lexa from me an I needed to get her back because she is my world and keeps me going. So as I'm walking through the woods I hear someone walking in my direction then I go an hide behind a tree and hold out my knife near me until I see Bellamy carrying someone but I can't really tell who it is until I move from my spot and I get a bit closer and I notice that the person Bellamy is carrying is Lexa and I run over to them and he sees me and smiles but once I reached them I collapsed because of the pain in my leg was getting really bad but as I am on the ground he lays Lexa down and looks at me "Clarke are you alright" and she sits up a bit "Yes I think I'm good" then scoots over to Lexa and lifts her head and placed it gently on her lap and stroked her hair and leaned against the tree and stayed like that for a while until she felt movement from Lexa then she looks down and smiles at her as she smiled up at her.

 So after we got back to the camp we were in our tent and at the moment Lexa was resting so I left the tent to look for my mother and so I walk into the medical tent and I saw my mom giving one of her patients stitches so I stood back and waited to talk. So after she was finished  we talked for a while and then I walked back to the tent crying a bit because I could have lost the person I love then I heard a voice say "Clarke why are you crying?" so I look up at Lexa who was still in bed so I walked over "well I thought I was going to lose you cause I didn't know where you were and I wasn't supposed to leave cause I got shot"  then her eyes went wide and opened her arms and I laid down in the bed and she held me close "Clarke trust me you will never lose me" 

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