Big News

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Clarke's POV:  

  So after we got back to camp I kept my hands in my pocket so no one would notice but when we got back not many people were out most were asleep, so it was all clear so we go into our tent an I start freaking out and Lexa grabbed me "whats wrong" and I shake "where is Ava!?" and I look around "she is with your mother remember" an then I nod my head and sit on the bed and I look at my hand and smile then look at Lexa and smile more then she walked over to the bed and we laid down together an I smile at her "when should we tell the others the news" and when I didn't get a reply I looked over and I saw she was out cold  and I knew why cause she went through all the trouble of winning me back when she really didn't lose me I just didn't talk to her at all which I knew wasn't what I wanted to do but I did and I felt bad but after what she did to make her happy again I couldn't stay mad at her anymore. 

 So I soon fell asleep after her dreaming about everything that has happened so far and what will come into our lives. As I lay there asleep I was dreaming about my life that I have lived on the ground then I start seeing things that aren't good things from my life down here they are either from up when I lived in space or down here and are the majorly bad things that happened down here and I start moving around in my sleep and I mumbled things in my sleep and then I jolted awake screaming which caused Lexa to jolt awake as well.  

Lexa's POV:  

 So I heard Clarke scream so I automatically wake up and look at her "Clarke whats wrong?" I asked her but she didn't answer all she did was shake her head so I held her close cause I didn't know what else to do cause I felt bad for her. So as I held her she kept shaking and I  was trying to think of what to do because I want to help her relax "Clarke please listen to me, trust me nothing is going to harm you in anyway I promise you that so lets get back to sleep so we can tell everyone the news" so she looked at me and nods her head and laid back down and curled into me after I laid down after her an then we both slept peacefully. 

 So the next day I woke up before her so I can get her some breakfast, so after I got changed I left the tent and when to where everyone else got the food at which was in the fallen ark so I walked in and as soon as I did Raven and Octavia came running over to me and Raven asked "so did you both make up?" and I nod my head and then I go get food for me and Clarke and headed back as the other two girls kept yelling out questions.  

Clarke's POV: 

 So I woke up the next morning and noticed Lexa wasn't there at first but then as I was getting up she walked into the tent with food and I smile then she hands me my food and then we sit down on the bed and start eating and as we were eating I ask "When are we going to tell the big news?' and she shrugs "whenever you want to" and I nod my head and ask "how bout after we eat, we gather the ones we wanna tell then we tell them not to tell my mom then we go find her and tell her?" and she nods at my idea and I giggle and finish up eating. 

 So after me and Lexa ate we left the tent an wandered around the camp looking for anyone that we could tell, so then Octavia and Raven came running over and smiling so then I look at Lexa waiting for her to nod at me an when she does I nod back then look at them and then take a deep breathe "well me and Lexa are getting married but don't tell my mom or anyone else" and they start screaming and we tell them to shush and keep it down then they stop and nod their heads and leave so we walked around a bit more after we told Bellamy,Jasper,Monty. So then we decided to go and tell my mother so we went into the medical tent and then when I saw my mom I got a bit nervous but I knew I had Lexa there with me so I was fine. 

 So when she saw us she smiles a bit then we walk over to her and I look at Lexa then back at my mom and my mom tilted her head "Ok girls whats going on?" she asked and I was still shaking and was unable to speak so Lexa did it for me and spoke clearly "Mrs. Griffin was Clarke wanted to tell you was that we are getting married"  

Adopted By Clexa (Clarke & Lexa The 100) Where stories live. Discover now