Chapter 3

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My scream is muffled by hands wrapped around my mouth.

"Hey, hey Clari it's me Jace" He whispers faintly into my ear and instanly i calm down. Allowing my muscles to relax, why the hell is he in my closet?

"You scared the shit out of me!" I scream at him in his head knowing that my mother is downstairs i don't want her to hear me.

"Sorry, I just had to see you before school. And i thought we could walk together" He smiles and looks down at my pajamas and sees that I am not even ready yet. He laughs when he notices me wearing a pair of Spongebob boxers.

"Hey! They are comfortable!" I push his shoulder and he grabs me by my waist pulling me closer to him, I can smell the strong scent of cinnamon on his glowing skin and his hot breath decsending down on my neck. He kisses me playfully on my neck and I giggle as he moves his soft warm hands under my shirt. Sending a shock through out my body, my viens light on fire and I feel like our bodies are one flame. It's getting harder to breath in such a confined space.

"Stop" I manage to get out, I have somehow become out of breath and my heart is thumping out of my chest. It felt so good but I really shouldn't be doing this right now.

"I need to get dressed" i say quietly and pull away from his grip. His warm hands sliding out from underneath my shirt.

"Ill wait in your room then" he replies with a sad look on his face. I so would have gone further with him but i can't considering my mother is downstairs and i am still in my pajamas. He turns around and smiles at me then nods because he understands. When i grab my clothes i head to the bathroom to take my shower and Jace watches me carefully as i close the door and start the shower, steam spiriling off my body.

"I wish i could watch you in there" He is says in my head.

"You're such a pervert" i reply, smiling at the thought of him watching me take a shower.

When i finally get dried off and change into my comfy clothes for the day, i head downstairs along with Jace behind me. My mother gives me a strange look when she notices Jace, considering he didn't come through the front door i am sure she has questions. But she doesn't she just smiles.

"How did you sleep?" She asks i am suprised she isn't hounding me for details of why there was a boy in my room.

"Uh.. good" i reply and smile

"That's good, and nice to see you Jace" She smiles at him then walks out of the room.

"What was that?" i turn around and look at Jace.

"Nothing, ill explain to you later how she knows me" he says calmy so i guess it isn't a big deal. I hurry up and finish my breakfast while Jace just stares at me.

"What?" i ask and look up at him still eating my oatmeal.

"You're just beautiful thats all" he says like it's nothing like i haven't heard that before.

"Thanks" Is all i manage to get out, trying not to choke on my oatmeal he suprised me with that response.

"You don't hear that often?" He asks with concern.

"No" I shyly look away. He puts his finger beneath my chin to hold my head up. And he looks into my eyes which feels like forever. His eyes such a beautiful shade of blue like the deep crystal waters of the ocean, his eyes glow as I continue to look deeper into him the gold rim actually glowing like there is a beam of light surrounding his pupil.

"You are the most beautiful woman i have ever layed eyes on" He says looking straight into my eyes, he leans in and his lips only a centimeter from mine. I can feel his warm breath upon my lips and his gentle touch beneath my chin sending sparks through my body. I wonder if he feels this too, this power between us that i can't explain.

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