Chapter 15

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In that moment Jess looks terrified and i know we need to leave immediately. I pull Jess and lead him towards the stairs and we run up the stairs 2 steps at a time. The glass shatters on the first floor and kids scream. I realize I haven't put up a wall in my head yet so as I'm running up the stairs I do so. As soon as I do a little relief floods my mind. When Jess and I reach the top floor of the school which is the 5th floor, he is trying to catch his breath and I'm standing there breathing as if I've just done a couple push ups. Jess looks up at me with question. I lead him into one of the teachers rooms, thank goodness the teacher isn't here. I walk over to the window I peer out and look down at the men swarming around the building with guns and SUV's that have "FBI" written on the sides. Really? FBI my ass. I turn to my right and see a ladder that leads to the roof, there is a ledge so I stick my foot out.

"What the hell Clari?" Jess yells.

"Calm down, this is the only way" I say my voice shaking from the cold air. And the fact that I'm at least 30 feet in the air. I calm my breathing and take a step out so both my feet are on the ledge. Surprisingly this is easy I am able to balance myself, but the wind is slowly swaying me. I don't dare look down I just keep walking to my side and reach the ladder. Once my hand reaches the ladder I grip it and don't let go. My knuckles turn white from my hold. I look over at Jess who only has his shoe out.

"Common Jess I am right here" I say and he doesn't seem at all comforted by my voice. But the gun shots down the hall get him moving. He steps out on the edge and steadies himself. He keeps his eyes trained on me. When he finally reaches the ladder i hear voices in the room large boots clunking their rubber soles on the floors. I start to make my way up the ladder and Jess follows right behind me, so close his head bumps my ass. I bite my lip to keep from laughing in this intense moment and continue to climb till i make it to the top. I take Jess's hand and walk over to the edge i look down there seems to be more men going inside then coming out so we should be able to get away fairly easy. Thats until men in black suits start making their way up the ladder. Bullets fly through the air and i squeeze Jess's hand.

"Jump!" i yell and we fly out into the sky descending towards the ground so fast i think it could be over in seconds. We could be dead on the concrete below us but i close my eyes the wind flying through my hair i feel the gravity weighing me down, counting the seconds till i meet my death. And i take in a sharp breath and hold it, then with all my strength will all the power that is in me i slow us down and we both come to a stop 3 feet from the concrete below us. I exale and relax and we both drop, soon men are coming around the corners running with guns in their hands and some with tazers. I don't know how we are going to get out of here, i panic but then i remember what happen yesterday and what they did to my mother. My mother is dead because of them.

"Go!" i yell to Jess and push him to run towards the trees. Once he is far enough out of the way and i have managed to stop a few men from shooting him. I summon all the anger inside of me and all the fury that has been balled up, about Jace about my Mother about the killing of many other people like me. I shut my eyes and think of flames encircling my body. Bullets fly past my face but something stops others from reaching my skin. Flames wrap a sphere of hot fire around my body. Heat rises in my hands and my eyes begin to glow they feel as if someone has stuck hot coals on them. 

"Gahhhhhhhhh!!" i scream and a throw my hands out to my sides. My veins like lava and strength grows inside of me. The flames burst outward and i see men fly far into the distance, some burned right away. More men continue to come charging toward me but i throw them with telekinesis, some get hit in the gut with a massive ball of fire. When i notice most of them are gone for the moment i run and i dont stop until i find Jace squating down hidden in the bushes, his eyes wide. Telling me he just  witnessed everything that just happened. I'm shocked myself but i manage to scoop up enough common sense to grap Jess by his shirt and pull him. 

"Lets go!" we run until Jess is about to faint and i pull together enough strength and close my eyes flashes of Lena's room pop into my head. The white couch the sleek floors, the smell of cleaning products. When i open my eyes Jess and i are sitting on the couch, Lena bursts in through the door. 

"Shit, Shit, Shit" she mutters to herself and walks frantically inside and grabs her keys.

"Lena? you okay?" She turns around quickly, her eyes go wide and then she relaxes when she realizes its me.

"Oh my god i thought you were toast" She runs over and wraps her arms around me squeezing me tight enough that i cant breath.

"She might have made toast with that heat" Jess says and chuckles, nice to see him say something after what just happened.

" I am just glad she is safe" Lena stands up and puts her hands on her hips, she points to Jess. "So who is this handsome man you have brought into my home" Jess smiles and shakes her hand.

"I'm Jess" he says with his soothing voice.

"Im Lena nice to meet you Jess, i am guessing you will be staying the night too. Ill find you both a room to sleep in for tonight" She begins to walk away and Jess says 

"Oh no ma'am i think ill go home"  

"I dont think thats such a good idea after what you just witnessed" She grabs a pair of keys that hang on the wall above the kitchen counter. "Follow me you two" we gradually pick ourselves up off of her white couch that we have probably made dirty now. And follow her out of the room, she leads us down the hall and shows us to our room.

"Beds are in there" she points to the right "and bathroom is in there too kithcen and living room are out here as you can tell, make yourselves at home ill check on you kids later" She closes the door and i go into the bedroom and Jess follows behind me. Two twin beds with a side table in between, there is a closet and the bathroom is in the far corner i walk and take a peak inside. Two sinks side by side and a walk in shower, that sounds nice right now. I look back at the beds and one of them already has my bag on it along with a couple more change of clothes. 

Im taking you guys shopping tomorrow i dont care if your in the mood, you deserve to have some normal time- Lena I look at the "you guys" written on the note. She must have known i would be with Jess, she is like my own personal spy, I chuckle. 

"What is it?" Jess asks 

"Oh nothing, just that we are going shopping tomorrow" I say and Jess slumps on his bed.

"Great" He says sarcastically

"I finally get to spend some more time with her, this couldnt be better" He thinks. 

"You liar, you know you want to" I throw a pillow at him. He throws it back.

"Only because ill be with you" He flutters his eye lashes, i cant help but laugh. He makes me forget about the things that cause me the most worries in my life. All my problems seem to vanish when i am around him, its something that i never feel around Jace. What do they call it.

"Its called safe" Jess says 

"Wait what?" I say and I look at him shocked.

"The way you feel around me its called safe" He says and folds his hands behind his head and crosses his legs and closes his eyes. I shake my head back and forth and close my eyes, maybe im just tired maybe i am imagining things. 

"Im going to get in the shower" I say and grab the change of clothes Lena layed out for me and head into the bathroom. Just before i close the door i hear Jess's voice.

"You aren't imagining things Clari" my eyes go wide, just as Jess's were in the woods after he saw what i was capable of. Thoughts flood my mind, how could this be? Jess be able to read my thoughts, how could i not have known this? I try to let my thoughts run down the drain along with the water but it doesnt help. I just give up and try my best to relax as the steaming hot water pours down on my shoulders. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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