Chapter 14

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Jace's POV: 

I open my eyes slowly, I feel drained as if I have been punched over and over in the gut. As if I have been starved, my stomach is empty and my mouth is dry. The space around me feels cold and damp. I can't see anything, around me there is only silence not a single sound. I can only hear my breathing, I wheeze in and out slowly. My rib hurts, I place my hand there my fingers tingle and instantly I start to feel a little better, I hear a snap and think it's someone at the door. If there is a door but when I move, my rib no longer hurts. I grin, I guess that's not all of my powers. I can heal, good thing this power decided to show now. Just when i need it, now all I need is a food power. Just before I can allow myself to think of anything else the door swings open. A light flashes in my eyes and I cover my face with my right arm. 

"You're comin with me" a deep voice says he grabs me by the arm and throwing me in front of him. He points the barrel of a gun at the back of my head he shoves me.

"Move it!" He yells and directs me by pulling my arm, but keeping the gun positioned to my head. He leads me down a few hallways and into a dark room, not as dark as the one I just had come from. But this one I see has a table that seems to be bolted to the concrete floor. He immediately shoves me into the chair at the table and cuffs me. These aren't ordinary cuffs they look to be made out of thick iron. He must think I am superman, but I'm not stupid. A lock is the easiest thing I can undo with telekinesis. I put up a wall in my head before his words can enter my mind. 

"How long did you think you could run from us? It didn't take long to find you. You're weak, I could easily break you right now" the veins in his arms bulge out and his muscles flex. I don't flinch. I close my eyes and focus on getting a message to Clari, even though she is far away I know we are connected in ways my mother could never explain to me. Even before I met her. " Clari if you can hear me, you have to stay alive. Don't let them have you, save yourself." I know she can hear me because I can sense it. I can feel the rhythm of her heartbeat in my ears. But before I can say more I am stopped by a jolt of electricity going through my body. 

"Ahhhhh!" I scream out in pain and as soon as the pain stops i heave in a shaky breath and try to figure out what just happen. 

"You are going to tell me everything you know, or else" I am not threatened by his attempt to tazer me, I am ready to endure any pain in order to keep Clari safe. 

"So tell me, Jace is it? Who is your friend?" He slides a photo on the table and I look at it, it's a picture of Clari at Cafe Tres talking to Jess. I keep the straightest face I can.

"I don't know who that is" I pull my hands into my lap and try to focus on the lock. I feel around and try to picture myself as the lock and figure out it's pattern, and click. The man doesn't seem to notice, he just wears a twisted expression. 

"I am going to ask you one more time who is this g--" before the man can finish his sentence I gesture my hand and pull the tazer from his grip and hold it to his chest I watch him fall to the floor and continue to shake as if he is having a seizure. I quickly get up and rush out of the door, I am immediately surrounded by a group of men. One of them pulls out his gun but I throw him and his gun at the nearest wall. Another man charges and I side sweep him and twist his neck, a large cracking sound fills the air and he slumps to the floor. Another man grabs me from behind by the arms and smothers me with a cloth, I make the mistake of breathing in. If I should be doing anything right now it's training, I've allowed myself to be too weak. They have it easy right now. I watch as the light around me fades into darkness and I am on the floor along with the other men I managed to take down. 

When I open my eyes, I find that I am in a small room. I believe it is the one from yesterday but the only difference is that I can now see. The walls look to be made of stone and there is a tiny rectangular window to my right high above about 8 feet. I am 6 foot so I might have an easy way of getting out, but I am not small. The window is half my size, but it allows me to look out at the world around me. I look to be underground there are no buildings only a wide field that looks to extend for miles. The rest of the area seems to be dead trees, a lonely grey sky looms over head. I look over towards the door, I walk up to it and place both palms on the cold metal door. I close my eyes and focus my mind as if to feel around on the other side.There seems to be several locks, that seem fairly easy to be unlocked. I'll cooperate with them for now, besides I need to train and if I'm stuck in here all day I might as well make use of my time. There is a pile of bricks in the corner and in the other corner is a mattress on the floor where I was sleeping. I step back away from the door and notice there is some food on a trey beside my feet. I pick it up, mashed potatoes and green beans. Not the best thing in the world but what can I say I am a prisoner and I'm guessing after what happen yesterday they aren't too fond of me right now. I dig into the food and I finish it quickly. I wonder how I will practice. I can start with strengthening my powers. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in and out focusing on the bricks in the corner. Allowing my mind to take control of my hands and guiding them to pick up 4 bricks at a time. I can sense that I have picked them up, I open my eyes to find I have only picked up three. I toss all three up and gesture my hand knocking all three bricks in a different direction. I close my eyes again taking in a deep breath and pick up 4 bricks this time. I allow my thoughts to wonder off and I find myself thinking about Clari. I wonder if she is okay, I wonder what has happened in the past 24 hours. Did they find her? And if they did, did she get away? Images of men in black suits holding guns to Clari's forehead anger me. I close my fists and all four bricks crush into powder on the floor. Anger still boiling inside me I pick up another brick and lunge it at the wall it cracks in a million pieces. I pick up another and close my hand slowly watching the brick crack and strain to keep it's perfect shape. I continue to do this till I am out of energy, I sit slumped on the mattress head in my hands wanting to be with Clari at this moment. I want to make sure she is okay. I close my eyes and try to connect with her. I think of her face, her smile and her voice. I try to send her flashes of the incident last night burned in my mind. "Clari if you are there I need you to run, if anything happened to you I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Get as far as you can from them, I love you Clari" and when those words echo throughout my head I know that I would give up everything to be with her. I want her to see her face and kiss her until I am out of breath. But I know her getting far away is the best way to make sure she is safe. I can't let anything happen to her.

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