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A/N- now before I start off, I know I said I would write this in Troye's POV but I wasn't really sure how to start that off and I knowwww this is so Tyler centric right now but trust me things will start to be balanced in the story and you'll learn more about Troye *wink wink*

Previously on Gasoline...

Dear Ty,
I'm working early and overtime tonight so I won't be back until way after you're asleep.
PS- please eat something xx queen

I decided I wasn't hungry, and skipped breakfast.

I don't think I'll be able to uphold it with all the calories I'm restricting.

"Secondly, bullying of any sort is not tolerated here by any means. One strike and you're out."

"Watch where you're going, you wouldn't want to run into any fags, or you'd become one"

"Repeatedly beat up student after calling him a "fag""

"Hey, wouldn't you guys much rather sit with us?"

"No thanks, if I spend too much time with an ass, I might be inclined to stick my dick in it, don't ya think?"

"HEY, you faggot" he slammed me against a wall and punched me square in the gut. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I managed to choke out, with his hands strangling my neck. Big mistake, seeing as that made him even madder.

He pulled me towards him just to throw me down to the floor. He started kicking me, repeatedly. "Who the fuck are you cursing at man? What the fuck were you saying in art today? Huh? That you like dick? What is wrong with you? You're a fucking mistake, you fucking know that? YOU DON'T DARE EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT, YOU LITTLE SHIT, I KNOW HOW TO FIX FUCKING FAGGOTS LIKE YOU AND TRUST ME, I WILL DESTROY YOU." He said in between kicks. The pain was excruciating and it was burning like hell. He yanked me by the wrist so forcefully that I heard it crack, just to push me into a wall AGAIN and punched me over and over. Once he was finally done, he yanked me by my sweater and said "you better not fucking tell anyone about this, or I swear to god, I will fucking end you." And then he pushed me to the wall once more where I hit my head and fell to the floor. I didn't even realize the tears streaming down my face until my shaky hands wiped them away. Every bone in my body was aching.

I remember somebody walking out of a stall, and then everything became pitch black.

Chapter 4- "Nothing"

Tyler's POV

I woke up on my couch, every part of my body shivering from the cold air plus my soaked clothes and aching. What the hell happened?

I tried to get up and ended up wincing in pain. And then I remembered. Cameron. He did this to me. Luckily my glasses were intact and okay. I took off my shirt which revealed blood and bruising.

After mustering all the strength I could, I walked over to the bathroom, clutching the sink and looked at my reflection. I look horrible. My lip was busted and I had a bloody nose not to mention a bruised cheek. How was I supposed to explain this to my mom? "Hey mom I told some homophobic prick to fuck off and that I liked dick so he beat me up?" Yeah, no. I took my clothes off and ran the shower water hot. Everything stung because of the bruising. After my shower, I looked around for bandaids and bandages, for which we didn't have. Whatever.

I sat down, and watched Pitch Perfect, seeing as it was my favorite movie. I never knew why, but something about it made me excited to go to college. Halfway through the movie, my stomach growled, reminding me how hungry I was. I hadn't eaten the whole day, but that didn't stop me. Anything to be thin.

After a few more hours of watching tv, I came to the realization that I had a shit load of homework to do. The clock read "10:18" and knowing my luck, my mom would be home soon. I had to make her believe I was asleep so she wouldn't see what had happened to me. I rushed up to my room and rushed through my homework. Somewhere through this, my mom came did come home, forcing me to hastily switch off the lights and jump into bed.

It was about 3:23 when I finished my homework, and I was absolutely exhausted. I tried to sleep, but I just couldn't. My hunger was growing more by the minute. I went through pages and pages of thinspo, which got me to lose my appetite.

It was about four when sleep was starting to take over, which was amazing considering how tired I was.

Just as I was about to fall into a deep sleep, I came to the realization that I didn't drive or walk myself home. If I didn't, then who did?

And thus, I was wide awake.

GUYS OHMYGOD IM SORRYYYYY TODAY I WENT TO A CARNIVAL AND DIDNT COME BACK UNTIL LATE AND NOW ITS ONE IN THE MORNING BUT I WANTED TO GET THIS DONE and it isssssss so I hope you enjoy this one, although it's a pretty short chapter yeah I'm sorry for thattttt. Anyway I'm gonna work on the fifth chapter now, and hopefully I'll get it done by tomorrow? -Erixaaaa😛

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