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Previously on Gasoline...

"FIVE AND SEVEN, you're up"


"Are you just gonna gawk at Cameron and Lia the whole time? We have a game we need to win."


I sprinted over farther, and he threw it even farther than where I was. Moving with the football, I ran to the touchdown tape and caught it as it hurled towards my stomach.

Damn, he throws hard.


Us winning had wiped the smirk off of Cameron's face.




I took off my shirt, only to find someone leaning against the doorframe.



"Take a picture, it might last longer," I teased, trying to break whatever tension was there.

"Use some bandages, it might help what you got there,"

I looked down to see all of the red and purple bruises all over my stomach.


I suddenly felt sick, and anxious that someone knew.  Although he didn't care, Cameron could walk in any moment and see that Troye saw what had happened.

Feeling really lightheaded all of a sudden, I almost fell over, holding my arm out towards the wall for support.

Troye must've noticed because he actually seemed genuinely concerned for a second.


Cameron left me alone for the most part today, which was also relieving, but I had a feeling that that wouldn't last very long at all.


Chapter 10- Touchdown

Troye's POV

"Right, sorry." He muttered, almost shyly. The rule was whoever has the higher number would be hiking the ball and running to catch it, and then they would switch. That meant that I would hike the ball first since I was number seven and he was number five.

I was getting ready only to hear Tyler yell "HIKE" and I hiked it, slightly not ready. He caught it however, impressed with how he caught it, despite me being all fumble-y. As soon as he caught it, I ran as far as I could, only to have to run even farther considering how far he threw the ball. Damn.

I was silently grateful for catching it, simply because I didn't feel like being verbally attacked by my team. He ran over to where I  was and we switched positions so he was hiking and I was catching. He hiked the ball back to me when I called it out. I caught it, seriously questioning my good luck right now.

He sprinted over, and I threw it even farther than where he was, mentally slapping my forehead in utter stupidity. I had thrown the ball too far, to the point where he couldn't catch it even if he had his arms stretched out. Instead, he ran to the touchdown tape and caught it. I'm impressed.

My thoughts were interrupted by an eruption of cheers from our team. The score was 12-11, we had won. I had pride in knowing I was half the reason my team won. Suddenly, I flinched over how loud Cameron's voice was. "WHAT THE HELL, LIA, ARE YOU STUPID, WE COULD'VE WON" we all heard him yell at a teary eyed Lia. That's not how you treat a girl, that's so horrible.

"Good job." I mumbled, in an attempt to break the awkward silence Cameron had suddenly created. "Huh? Yeah, you too" Tyler stuttered out, seeming taken aback for whatever reason. Not paying it much mind, I walked off to go change.

Okay, maybe he wasn't such a bad person. But that still didn't change how I felt about him. I still disliked him, and nothing he could do would change that.

I always get to the locker rooms quick in order to be the first one done changing, so I don't have to deal with the people in the locker room. Apparently, I wasn't alone. I heard the door open, but as long as they didn't bother me, I was fine.

On my way out, something caught my eye. Or someone, rather. Tyler took off his shirt, and I couldn't help but stare at the way his muscles were flexing in the process. Okay, I would admit he's not half that bad in the looks category, but it still doesn't change how I feel about him. I was leaning against the doorframe, until I realized I had no particular reason to. What if he thought I was being some weird creep staring at him whilst he changed? Apparently, I was too late, because his voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Take a picture, it might last longer," he teased, trying to break whatever tension was there.

"Use some bandages, it might help what you got there," I looked down his stomach and saw all of the red and purple bruises covering his toned abs. Okay, I really need to stop.

He looked like realization hit him like a truck. All of a sudden, he almost fell over, holding his arm out towards the wall for support. I actually got nervous, for I didn't know what was gonna happen.

"You alright?" I cautiously asked, forgetting what I felt about him. "Y-yeah, I'm fine," he assured me in a somewhat raspy voice.

Damn, that was hot.

Okay Troye, control your hormones. In order to avoid any other questions, he hastily put on his jumper, that looked a bit too big on him on, and excused himself out of the locker room.

Lunch rolled around eventually and I found myself walking towards the abandoned teachers lounge, and before I could even remember that I might encounter Tyler there, I was facing the door to the room.

I opened it anyway, not really caring if he was going to see me or not. To my surprise, there was an empty room, with one computer left on. Deciding I didn't really have anything to lose, I hopped into the seat on that computer and saw that there was a tab already open.

I clicked on it, regretting it immediately.

It was a tumblr account, full of thinspo and calorie restriction tips,

all of which, were under Tyler Oakley's account.

DUN DUN DUNNN TROYE KNOWS now guys! You guys wanted Troye to find out, and here ya goooo I'm not sure I'm gonna update the next chapter just yet because yet again I have no idea who I wanna write about, although I'm most likely going to write in Troyes point of view.

QOTD- what do you think about tracob? troye and jacob, btw

Answer- tbh I don't know Jacob and yeah I'm upset he's not Tyler Oakley but if Troyes happy then it's okay.


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