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Previously on Gasoline...

Dear Ty,
I'm working early and overtime tonight so I won't be back until way after you're asleep.
PS- please eat something xx queen

I decided I wasn't hungry, and skipped breakfast.

I don't think I'll be able to uphold it with all the calories I'm restricting.

"Secondly, bullying of any sort is not tolerated here by any means. One strike and you're out."

"Watch where you're going, you wouldn't want to run into any fags, or you'd become one"

Seating Chart-

I averted my gaze from my sweater, and looked up. Oh if only I knew how big of a mistake that was.

Chapter 2- "Ugh!"

Troye's POV

I looked at the blue digital clock of mine which read 2:27. I couldn't sleep. I didn't get it, why do I need to "rest up" for a day that'll exhaust me anyway? I decided to go on my laptop, because what else would I do for at least the next five hours? I opened it up to find a website based on our school. Tyde must've used my laptop, I thought. Whatever, it's not like I have anything to hide.

Seeing as it was 2:30 in the morning, and no one was online, I found myself deep in the online archives of our school. This site has everything about every student here, even me. They have my grades, PE body measurements, every "out there" thing I did. I'm starting to get a bit creeped out. Who knows all this stuff?

I looked at all the students I possibly could, out of complete and utter boredom.

Cameron Dallas
Height- 5'9
Birthday-September 8th
Detentions in Freshman Year- 16
Detentions in Sophomore Year- 14
• Insulted teacher
• Vandalized locker rooms
• Refused teachers request
• Caught cheating on test
• Repeatedly hit student after calling him a "fag" multiple times
(A-N/ Cameron Dallas has the same birthday as I do and I just thought it was pretty cool.)

I'm really not surprised with all the shit he's done, but I couldn't help but stare at the last reason. How could someone be so... So homophobic. To the extent where they have to hurt someone else? That's messed up.

I decided to get my mind off of him, and went to other students. Eventually, I stumbled across Tyler Oakley. Oh god, I hate him. He was just so.. Fake. I read his information and instantly closed my laptop. Why would he do something like that? Who could do something like that? The students in my school are so bad, and compared to them, I'd say I'm a saint.

"Troye..? Troye! Get up!" I was shaken awake by the one and only Sage. "Hurry up, it's 8, you'll be late." What? I checked the time and my eyes widened. How? Now I didn't even have enough time to shower. Great. Luckily I'm a night showerer. I wanted to wear a jumper to cover up scars, but I couldn't find it. So I just settled for a white T shirt and a black hoodie. I paired that with my black jeans and converse and a beanie.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and said bye to my mom, however she insisted that I drive Sage and Tyde as well. Looking at the time, it read 8:15. Fortunately, my best friend Connor came to my rescue, texting me he was offering me a ride to school. I accepted without hesitation. "Sorry mom, but Connors driving me okayloveyoubyeeeee!" I said, walking out the door without giving her the chance to answer.

Connor was waiting outside in his car. "You're a fucking lifesaver" I huffed as I got in his car. "What'd I do? Or should I say what did YOU do?" Connor joked. I chuckled, replying "my mom tried insisting me to drive Sage and Tyde to school with me. Plus, you're saving me gas money." We both laughed as we went to school.

I'm lucky to have Connor. Him as well as Caspar Lee are my best friends. Honestly, they're pretty much my only friends. Speaking of Caspar, I heard the car door close. "Sup my fellow bitchachos" he joked and I swatted him with a folder. He's too much sometimes. But I love that about him. Without them, I would have nothing.

We all walked to the auditorium together, settling on some seat away from people. The popular shits were sitting in the back, being their usual self. Once the students got settled down, fucking finally, the teacher gave us our yearly first day of school orientation. A few minutes into the speech, someone decided to finally show up. We turn over to the door to find TYLER and Marcus. I was really about to lose my shit. Something about him ticks me off. Connor must've noticed because he saw me all tense and asked what was wrong with his hand on my thigh. I shot him a half hearted smile. The teacher must've seen because she shot us a glare.

"Nice of you to finally join us." The lady giving us the orientation speech, Ms. Larva said unenthusiastically. "You, you, you and you, detention." She pointed over to the jocks and cheerleaders and the rest of the popular people who were signaling those dunces over. She pointed Tyler and Marcus and said "yeah you two as well, maybe that will teach you not to be late. Way to be punctual, boy." Day one and he already gets in trouble, I'm not surprised.

"These two gentleman bring up my next concern. As you know, our school has rules. Any sort of PDA or sexual activity is NOT tolerated. We stopped provided condoms for this matter, so don't bother. Now this doesn't mean go around and spread STD's and babies. WAIT UNTIL YOU GET HOME. Seriously, it's only six hours." She stared Connor and I down the whole time. My cheeks must've turned a bright red. Connor and I didn't even look at each other, instead we ducked our heads down and sunk in our chairs.

"Secondly, bullying of any sort is not tolerated here by any means. One strike and you're out." She continued. Yeah, let's see how long that rule stays enforced.

After she was FINALLY done talking, we were handed our schedules. Luckily for me, I had the same class as Connor and Caspar, since we decided to take honors classes. On our way out however, we were stopped by that teacher once more and she said "hey, keep that in your pants, and you, keep your hands away from his pants, got that? The janitors are sick of cleaning that up." "O-okay?" I answered and we walked away, slightly disturbed by that new information.

We walked into Mr. Clarke's class, and from what I know about him already, he seems like a pretty cool teacher. Well, that was until HE came. Why, why is Tyler here? Why is Marcus here? Why is CAMERON here? Why--

"You're late." Mr. Clarke informed. "Sorry sir, it won't happen again" Tyler said as a few jocks were snickering in the back. What a kiss up.

"It better not. As I was saying, my name is Mr. Clarke, and due to things I heard about you guys last year, I'm assigning seats." Just great.

Seating Chart-

Oh fuck no. I was paired in a group of three. I would've been okay with that if I had Caspar or anyone really, but no, I had to have FUCKING TYLER. Tyler walked over and I had to hold my breath so I wouldn't groan in frustration. "Hey there! My names Connor! And you are?" Connor said next to me.

"Tyler, Tyler Oakley. Nice to meet you too." He said all politely.

I stared at him with my stern eyes, and was as hostile as possible. But that's when he stopped fiddling with his sweater hem and looked up.

OHMYGOD GUYS there's even more words in this chapter than the last. I'm really proud. Sure, the previous section counts, but that only takes up around 200, so either way, it still would've been more. Oh and TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY. I'm really liking this story and I have many more Troyler ideas in mind so don't worry I have more for your thirsty minds😏 anyway, please comment, don't be a silent reader, I love your guys input and opinions and comments would really make my day💓 -Erixa😛

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