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Tyler's POV

I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe. How the hell did Troye know? Either way, it didn't matter because if he knew, a lot of other people would know as well.

Somewhere in my internal panics, Troye snapped me back to reality. "Tyler, are you okay?" He asked, comfortingly. I've never seen this side of Troye before.

"Always.." I trailed off, really out of it.

"Tyler, I'm serious about this. You fainted in gym and fortunately I caught you, but the nurse said if you were to fall on floor you'd be in a worse condition because our floors are cemented. She also said that she's supposed to inform parents on when something happens to a student, but I told her that your parents were working so I'd just drop you off. We don't even have to go anywhere if you don't want, but you and I both will get into trouble if we stay here." Troye breathed out, since he didn't even stop to take a breath explaining everything.

I took a moment to register everything he had just said. He caught me? How? We didn't even interact that much in gym. And even if we did, he cared about me?

"Yeah, do you have any places in mind?" I asked, sitting upright, feeling a bit dizzy from the blood pressure drop. He must've noticed because he immediately snaked his arm around my waist. I regained composure, enjoying the bit of physical contact.

"Yeah, actually. It's a place not too far from here. Are you okay with walking? I didn't bring my car to school today." He suggested, his arm still lingering on my waist. I didn't mind though, I certainly wasn't complaining. He's really making an effort to help me, isn't he?

"I'm fine with anything really," I said, passively. The fact that he was even bothering to care for me was enough as is. I like this side of Troye.

"Okay, in that case, leeeeet's go!" Troye said enthusiastically, grabbing my hand and running towards the door, causing me to have no free hands.

We walked for about five to ten minutes until he finally stopped. We stood in front of a playground, that looks like it's been abandoned for years. The gloomy autumn weather only added to the effect.

I loved it.

The swings caught my eye the most. They only had two swings in a row. That was a blessing in disguise.

We walked on the playground floor that gave me nostalgia. I inhaled the air, grateful I was even here. This was nice, despite the eerie vibe it was sending off.

"Do you like it?" He hesitantly asked, not knowing what I was thinking.

We sat on the swings, sitting in a comfortable silence. A gust of wind just had picked up, causing me to shiver. "Oh, are you cold? Here, you can wear my sweater." Troye offered.

I was about to answer when yet another gust of wind picked up, causing me to visibly shiver. At this point, he wasn't offering. He took off his sweater and draped it over my shoulders, leaving me to just put it on.

Seeing as there was no talking Troye out of something when he'd already done it, I put it on, gratefully.

His sweater smells amazing.

Okay, I really need to back off of Troye, seriously, first the gym incident and now this?

"Aren't you cold?" I asked, hesitantly. I shouldn't have to be intimidated by him but I just am.

"No, I'm used to it.." He trailed off, only to have his eyes widen. I looked over, only to find his arms ruffling in his bag looking for something. "On second thought, I am cold. You're right" he said and hastily threw on the jumper he was wearing from this morning. Okay then.

Troye's POV

"Aren't you cold?" Tyler asked me after the weather had gotten significantly colder. Truth be told, I was freezing, but i was more concerned of Tyler. "No, I'm used to it.." I answered, trying to act normal with him looking over at me. Damn, who knew eye contact could be intimidating?

I saw his eyes trailing downwards towards my arms and that's when my eyes widened. The whole reason I had brought a sweater anyway was to prevent people from seeing the scars, yet here I am giving it away?

I internally panicked only to realise I had a jumper in my bag. "On second thought, I am cold, you're right." I said, not really focusing on what exactly I did say. I went rifling through my bag until I found the jumper and put it on hastily. I bet I looked beyond disheveled at this point. It was okay though, as long as he didn't know. Imagine how he'd react if he found out I was here hurting myself yet I told him not to.

"You okay? You seem kinda tense" he asked me, concerned. Damn it, why am I so bad at literally everything I do?

"Y-yeah, I'm good, I was just cold, that's all" I lied through my teeth. Well, I wouldn't consider the cold part a lie, but I mean, what did you mean by 'okay'?

HI FRIENDS I TOOK A LITTLE BREAK I was in the hospital for a couple of days and I got back like yesterday so there's that, I tried to get this chapter up earlier but I have major writers block and there was originally going to be a better ending to this, but if I wrote the ending in another chapter, I really thought I would get out of my writers block and probably will.

I published a new story yesterday, 'Daddy Issues' please go check it out and feel free to tell me anything I can work on with that. Love you 💓


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