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Previously On Gasoline...

I could barely recognize myself in the mirror.


I was covered in purple bruises and red marks.


My stomach was terribly bruised and the once milky skin of mine was stained in pain.


Since today was the second day, we actually needed to participate. I went into the locker rooms and threw on a tight black shirt and some grey sweatpants. I headed out the locker rooms and anticipated the inevitable task awaiting me.

So they decided to have a football line, in which they would basically have two teams and from there each player would be assigned a number. They would call out two numbers at a time. Both teams had the same numbers, so when two numbers were called, they would pit us against the opposing team and the two players would have to co-operate together and hike and pitch the ball four times without dropping it it get a touchdown. Yeah, confusing.

So my team consisted of Sawyer, Marcus, Kalel, Caspar, Joey, Jenn, Hannah, Bethany, Alfie, Connor, Troye and I. I swear, I was always surrounded by Connor and Troye, no matter where I went.

The other team, however, consisted of Cameron, Dan, Phil, Shane, Joe, Mamrie, Zoe, Lia, Jenna, Jim, Anthony and Ian. 

Cameron. Cameron was on the opposite team, and I suddenly felt my anxiety kick in. I don't know why, but I think it was just even the mention of Cameron that's beginning to terrify me.

Shortly they assigned numbers, and I got five.

A/N- here's a chart because I'm way too lazy to type it out k thankssss


After what seemed like an eternity, they finally begun the game. Our team was tied with theirs so far, 4-4.

This was honestly a very anticlimactic game, considering we were tied most of the game anyway.

That was until, however, the exact moment I've been dreading came. "FIVE AND SEVEN, you're up" I heard my gym teacher call, and I stood up, not feeing comfortable in the slightest bit. I got up to see my competition. Cameron, was ALSO a five, which very much terrified me considering what happened yesterday.

"Are you just gonna gawk at Cameron and Lia the whole time? We have a game we need to win." I heard a deep Australian accent snap me back to reality, for what felt like the millionth time today. In all honesty, I have never heard something so heavenly, despite the yelling and cheering from our teams.

I turned, to find the one and only,

Troye Sivan Mellet.

MINI CHAPTER GUYSSSSS yeah I know but before you kill me, I swear I will update the next chapter RIGHT NOW no worries children, and if you like this story, feel free to vote and comment what you'd want to see more in this story. Don't be a silent readerrrrr oki bye


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