Hey, I Call Glomping the Clone!!

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  I call glomping the clone. Or else. No, I'm serious. Kind of. Maybe. Not really. Whatevs. The real name of this chapter is: People Who Should Be Glomped (in Fiction)

This is not a top --- list, by the way, just random people

1) Boromir- He died for StarClan's sake!! Trying to save the Hobbits!! And to redeem himself!!

2) Sméagol- Not Gollum. He was freakin' possessed by the Ring for a super-duper-long-time!! But I'm not doing it.

3) Faramir- He lost his brother >:(

4) Captain Rex- He lost many (extended?) family members.

5) Echo- He died. Not. ECHO IS NOT DEAD!! Copy and paste to your profile.

6) Fives- He lost his closest brothers. All of them. Echo is literally lost.

7) Frodo- Watch the movies. Just. Watch. The. Movies.

8) Sam- Same as above.

9) Ani (AKA 9-year old Anakin Skywalker, AKA Darth Vader)- What, look what he had to put up with!!

10) Wicket E. Warrick- (That's his name, right? Right?) Hez sooooo cute!! Says the Ewok fangirls.

11) Every other Ewok- Same as above.

12) The Blyla pairing- Literally glomp them both at the same time.

13) Baby Ahsoka- What? Everyone deserves a life.

14) Every youngling in the universe- What? Everyone deserves a life.

15) Puppies, Kittens, etc.- What? Everyone deserves a life.

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