This is Madness!! SW Character Tournament

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  Yes, it's late, I know.

Rule of Thirty-Two

R2-D2 VS Wedge Antilles- R2, I guess. I dunno with this one!!

Princess Leia VS Admiral Ackbar- Princess Leia!!

Yoda VS Qui-Gon Jinn- Err, Yoda. I like them both -_-

Obi- Wan Kenobi VS Luke Skywalker (I accidentally originally typed 'Oni'... Oni-Wan Kenobi!! XD)- Obi-Wan!! I'm being Obi-Wan!! (If you got the reference, you get a free internet dessert.)

Chewbacca VS Lando Calrissian- CHEWBACCA

Han Solo VS Hondo Ohnaka- Hondo... He talks funny.. (In a good way!!) I mean, he's funnier. To me.

Padme Amidala VS Bail Organa- Padme!!

Captain Rex VS ARC Trooper Fives- FIVES  I'm sorry that you didn't win my precious. *Cuddles* But Rex was deserving too, unlike those below >:O

Tarkin VS Admiral Piett- Piett... Tarkin is more bleh...

Asajj Ventress VS General Grievous- Asajj!! If we'd seen movie Grievous with Clone Wars Grievous- style fighting, he would have been even cooler!!

Boba Fett VS Greedo- BOBA. Der.

Cad Bane VS Jango Fett- I dunno. Bane? But Jango was awesome too!! DX

Darth Vader VS Darth Maul- Darth Maul... I'm sorry Ani...

Emperor Palpatine VS Count Dooku- DOOKU ANY DAY

Jabba the Hutt VS Salacious Crumb- Erk, Jabba.

Mother Talzin VS Pre Vizsla- Mother Talzin. I like her better. I'm still not sure why XD

FOR CANTINA BAND CASTINGS (CollegeHumor): McWrath? *Is instantly suspicious* Are you playing with Irish last names?

SW Rebels trailer- OH NO

I don't know, but I've been not so optimistic about this. I don't like the way it's being animated. I also would rather that time period be left to the imagination. Bleh!! Bleh BLEH!! *Huddles in corner* Where's that fictional character when you need him... Killed off by Disney... Wah... Or whoever decided upon his death... Maybe not Disney... But still... AND WHY WHY WHY... I just forgot. Woops!! X#D


"I don't think this is going to wo-ork..."

"You're doubting now?!"

"Because of that..." *points finger*

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