Chapter one

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  • Dedicated to Bella and Ellie

By: Jade Armstrong

For Bella and Ellie. Merry Christmas, guys!!!!

A/N: Ok so the stories gonna contain human Wheatley and Chelley. A few alterations to the story will be put in, as well. The video on the right isn't mine, but it's an awesome video. Watch if you love Wheatley!! The video belongs to katfuzzmunchkin on you tube. Go favorite them!!!!

“Pull me in! Pull me in! I can still fix this!” Wheatley screamed. “I already fixed it! And you are NOT coming back!” GLaDOS mechanical arm came to snatch him away from her forever. She shed a small tear at the thought of him being out in space, away from her forever. GLaDOS saw this, and in the heat of the moment, a small impulse urged her to honor the wish of Chell. The test subject who never failed, who always prevailed, who was always there, no matter how hard she tried to get rid of her. Always coming back. She obliged, although at the moment, she wasn’t sure why. She pulled both her former test subject and the British intelligence dampening sphere into her, once again, destroyed facility.

Chell blacked out almost instantly. Wheatley didn’t know whether to be grateful or frightened that GLaDOS had pulled him in. What could she possibly have planned for him? Something devious, of course. He looked over at Chell once he got a hold on his trembling body, and was able to pull open his tightly shut optical. “Oh no!” He shouted. “It’s okay now Chell! Don’t die ‘luv, everything will be alright as long as you DON’T DIE!!” He shouted, as loud as his voice box would let him. Although if he’d been human, he would be at her side, begging, pleading for her to stay with him, and crying his eyes out all the time.

“Shut up, moron. She’s not going to die. But I can’t say I’m so sure about you.” She laughed her mechanical, evil laugh. She knew exactly what had compelled her to pull Wheatley in from the void of space. Caroline. Oh how she hated Caroline’s influence… But something was telling her not to delete the nuisance. ‘Whatever, I’ll get around it’ she thought to herself. “I’m going to get rid of Chell. Not by killing her. Like I said, today is not her day to die. But she will no longer be here. Hopefully, she will never return.”

Wheatley shuddered violently. Not only was GLaDOS going to do… well, something to him, but he was going to be alone. Alone… he had always been alone. Well, figuratively speaking. There were always other humans around him. But none like her. He would never find anyone like her ever again. He would probably never find anyone again, really. GLaDOS mechanical arm reached down to pick him up.

“I can’t exactly do what it is I want to do to you until I get rid of her. It will involve a lot of screaming on your part, and I don’t want to wake her. So…I suppose we could just sit here and glare at each other until somebody drops dead, but I have a more interesting plan. Oh, look. It’s your old friend, the incinerator. Don’t bother screaming. No one will be able to hear you. I’ll come and get you when I’m ready. Goodbye.” With that, she dropped the intelligence dampening sphere into the tube that led directly to the incinerator, and laughed as Wheatley screamed in shrill panic and terror.

And thus ends chapter one. Hope you like! :3 Weatley, Chell, and all other characters belong to valve.

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