Epilogue (Comment if you want more!)

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A/N: Hello!! So this is it… Or is it? Read to find out…

Wheatley and Chell got out of the hospital and slowly readjusted to human life. After a few weeks, Chell and Wheatley had gotten a job. For a while, they made the wheat field their home. They had nowhere else to go, and since they had never known comfort, (well, nowhere close to recently, anyway) they were perfectly fine with this. Eventually they learned about money, how to use it, and ended up in a small apartment. It only had one bedroom, so Wheatley took to the living room. He slept on the floor until they saved enough for a small couch. Chell got the bed.

Eventually, they got married (after figuring out what marriage was) and had a daughter. At this date, September 16, it was the anniversary of the day him and Chell had escaped from Aperture. They celebrated this day like a holiday. Wheatley was walking home from work (as he thought cars looked dangerous and had forbid Chell from getting a license after deciding he wanted nothing to do with it himself) when he heard a twig snap behind him. He hadn’t heard anyone approach. He turned around slightly to be sure he wasn’t being followed, and saw nothing. He continued walking, keeping alert just in case.

There it was again, that soft pattering sound from behind him. He looked behind himself and gaped at what he saw. He remembered her, even if it had been five years. It was his old, dead over twice girlfriend. She had died more than once. He never thought he would see her again. He at first thought to go up and embrace her, but then thought better of it. For one, he was married, and for another, this girl could easily be GLaDOS or a phantom. He guessed GLaDOS, since he had been told more than once that phantoms weren’t real. Or you couldn’t see them, anyway. Humans always had to see something to believe it. Wheatley thought this was somewhat foolish. He had always believed in things he couldn’t see. If you heard a voice but didn’t hear where it came from, would you believe you were imagining fake voices? Ok, back to reality.

He knew he had killed her. He had driven the knife through her heart himself. “Wheatley” The girl said. That was definitely GLaDOS. But there had to be something wrong with her, because she had never used his name before. It was always “moron” or “little idiot”. He knew something must be wrong with her. Maybe someone had hacked her system? Then the most obvious question came to his mind. “Why and how are you here?” She looked at him with desperate eyes. “Wheatley, I fixed up this old body when I downloaded myself back into the GLaDOS chassis. I don’t know why, but something told me I should. They found it, Wheatley. They found it.” “Found what?” “Aperture.”  “How?”  “Some high school students were exploring the wheat field and saw the shed. They walked in and alerted the authorities. They got in and started snooping around. If they saw me, they would try to shut me down. So I downloaded myself into this body and ran.”

Wheatley could see the sadness in her eyes. What the past told him was that she was lying. Her eyes pleaded for him to believe her. He knew that bringing the evil A.I into the house would not sit well with Chell. (It rhymesJ). But he knew he couldn’t just leave her here. He decided to bring her along. She followed him, gladly. “I’m going to let you stay with us. But we will get Aperture back, you are going to help us, and you will go back there. Also, if you give me ANY REASON to think you might hurt Chell and Lily (their daughter’s name. They named her for Chells favorite flower.) I will immediately throw you out. If you won’t leave, we’ll make you leave.” GLaDOS nodded in understanding. Wheatley knew this was going to be hard. He had to bring a possibly crazy A.I to learn to live as a human, and fight to get back a facility that scientist definitely wanted to study inside and out. He was way in over his head, and he still had to explain the whole thing to his wife. ‘It doesn’t take long for a good day to go bad, apparently.’

A/N: The ending is just the beginning, they say. Anyway, you want me to continue this story? I will write a sequel to follow this up if you people want, so please comment if you want more. J  

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Valve

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