Chapter six

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A/N: This chapter is going to be the second to last chapter. We’re nearing the end of our tale.  Oh, and yes, I am going to leave you hanging. Because I am evil. :3

Chell ran as fast as she could towards the old shed. It had taken her only a day and a half to get back, as she took few breaks, and ran most of the way. It was dawn when she got there. That couldn’t be good… or could it? Perhaps GLaDOS would be focusing on testing and not notice her.  She knew she would have to be sneaky. She had told space core that he would have to keep his mouth shut if she brought him with her, and had threatened to rip him apart piece by piece if he said anything.

She opened the shed door cautiously, afraid of any turrets or robots that might be waiting for her on the other side. She cautiously stepped inside, and slightly relaxed when there were no lasers pointing straight at her. It was then that she noticed space core trembling in her arms. “SPACE!!” He screeched at the top of his lungs. She immediately threw him out the door and looked around wildly for somewhere to hide. She ducked behind a couple of boxes and crouched there waiting, for about ten minutes. Nothing. She relaxed again and came out from behind the boxes. Taking the elevator would be idiotic, so she decided to take the stairs. When she finally reached the bottom, she couldn’t believe what she saw. She now knew GLaDOS had known all along that she was there.

Two robots stood in front of her. She first couldn’t believe that there were two robots in front of her that looked almost like humans without skin and hair, and second that GLaDOS had known she was there. The two robots didn’t look threatening at all, but there was nothing innocent about Aperture science. They motioned for her to follow them, and knowing that there was no other way out, she followed.

Soon they were in GLaDOS chamber. GLaDOS turned around at the sound of their approach, and didn’t look phased to see her former test subject at all. “It’s NOT been a long time. Why are you here? I told you to never come back. No, scratch that. I know why you’re here. You’re here to take the moron from me, correct?” Chell looked absolutely shocked that she had known what she was there for. “I wonder how that companion cube of yours projected that image. It’s just a box, after all. Now, who could have sent that image to you?” Chell knew where she had gone wrong now. She had walked right into GLaDOS traps. At the time, she had been to overjoyed at the thought that Wheatley was alive and on Earth to think about why and how she was getting that image.

“Would you like to know how I know what you’re here for? Actually, I don’t care what you want. I’ll just tell you. Before I let you leave, while you were knocked out I planted a small microchip in your brain. I can hear all your thoughts. Oh, and I know you can speak, by the way. You sound even dumber than I had originally imagined.” Chell looked absolutely dumbfounded. GLaDOS had been playing her the whole time. Why hadn’t she known that? She should have expected it. “You didn’t actually think I was going to let you go, did you? I let you go for the entertainment of messing with your thoughts. I pulled Wheatley in for two reasons. One, Caroline is a brat, putting her opinions where they don’t belong. Two, I knew he could be useful. I came up with all of this while you were knocked out. This has been very entertaining. I can’t wait to see the morons face when I show him your dead body. Oh, and just to give you a fighting chance, I’ll give you your portal gun.” A panel rose from the ground and her old portal gun was on a podium. She ran over and grabbed it. “Alright, let the games begin.”

Wheatley had just awoken and was running the first test. He knew about his past, but he was still trying to figure out his future. He had learned that the only way to get to GLaDOS was to wait until she was distracted and escape. He always had one eye on her, knowing that the massive A.I couldn’t keep focus forever. He continued the test. Something flicked in the corner of his eye. No… it couldn’t be… could it? He looked over at the camera and saw exactly what he had been waiting for. The camera was limp.

Wheatley knew this was his chance. ‘Now or never’ He thought. He ran over to a panel in the corner and kicked it until it opened. It barely opened wide enough for him to fit, but after a bit of pulling on his leg, he got out. He stood up and looked around. He hadn’t exactly thought this part through. He decided to just pick one way and ended up running down a catwalk into an almost pitch black area. When he was sure he couldn’t see his hand in front of his face anymore, he decided to turn back. He now went the other way and came to a lighted area. He heard a voice in the distance. It didn’t sound familiar, yet it did… ‘Strange’ He thought. He decided to go toward the voice, it being the only unfamiliar voice he had heard since being human.

He finally came into the room with the source of the voice. He saw GLaDOS, and his eyes narrowed. But something caught his eye. Two something’s, actually. One was that GLaDOS was completely limp and was just hanging there, the other was that he saw someone totally and completely familiar standing there with a face of complete determination on her face. “Chell…” He whispered. Chell looked over at him, completely shocked. He ran over to her, with tears in his eyes, and hugged her. “Chell… Chell, I’m so sorry” He repeated over and over, trembling in her arms, as she hugged him back. She softly pet his head, whispering “It’s ok… Its ok I forgive you. It’s not your fault.” Wheatley looked up at her. “You… you can talk?” Chell nodded and got him to his feet. “Come on, let’s go.” Chell led Wheatley to the elevator. “Where do you think you’re going?” An all too familiar voice growled from behind them. They both whipped around and saw her. “Oh, no…” They both said, simultaneously.

A/N: Chell defeated GLaDOS, and now GLaDOS is back. But with a twist. Chell and Wheatley are reunited! Yay!! Next chapter is the last one, but after there will be an epilogue. So, watcha think? Please comment, people!

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Valve

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