Chapter two

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Chell walked out into the wheat field. She could feel and see the sun, for the first time in... The first time she could remember. She knew she should be absolutely overjoyed. This was what she had wanted her whole life. She had only ever known Aperture. She had only ever wanted escape. Now she had it. Now she had reached her life’s goal, yet she wasn't near as happy as she had expected herself to be. Why? She had no one to share it with. Wheatley was gone, and she was alone. Since she had met Wheatley her dream had changed. She wanted to escape, still, but with him. Without him her accomplishment was empty. She was all alone... and she knew he was, too. All alone in space... Floating around endlessly... The thoughts pained her. She couldn't bear to even think about them.

She knew there had to be civilization somewhere. Right? She couldn't be the only human left on Earth... Well, she knew she wouldn't figure it out if she just sat there. She picked up her charred companion cube and started walking through the wheat field. Her thoughts wouldn't let her be. All she could think about was Wheatley, and how he could've been here with her. She didn't blame him for his actions. If anything, she blamed the GLaDOS chassis. After all, GLaDOS hadn't done anything horrible when she was a potato. Well, she hadn't insulted her AS much. Besides, Wheatley had become a totally different person... err, robot, when he had been hooked up. But, whatever had happened, she knew it wasn't Wheatleys fault. She believed in him, no matter what happened.

Wheatley had given up on screaming. He couldn't be heard in the incinerator. He just sat there, waiting for GLaDOS to come and do whatever it was she wanted to do to him. He knew it couldn't be good, and all he could think about was what horrors that awaited him. The longer he sat there, the worse the possibilities he thought of became. Then GLaDOS voice came over the intercom, bringing him back to reality. He felt relieved to hear the sound of another voice, but at the same time became petrified, knowing that something terrible was about to happen.

"Hello, moron. Well the human is gone. She will never come back, if she knows what's good for her. You will never see her again." Apparently, she knew how to mess with Wheatleys feelings. He hated being alone. Well, he wasn't alone, he just wasn't in good company. "I'm going to send Atlas and P-body to get you. Then we can begin you're torture. Oh, did I say torture? I meant SURPRISE. But, obviously it won't be a good surprise. But it will be a real surprise, with tragic consequences." Wheatley felt a shudder run through his body. Atlas and P-body came and got him, and he shut his eyes as they carried him to Her chamber. She stayed silent until she came into view.

She brought down her mechanical claw and grabbed him from P-body’s hands, and dismissed the two robots. They ran off, not wanting to see what came next. "Is something wrong? You look scared. But then, that is the proper reaction to what is to come. Maybe you're not such a moron after all." She looked him over silently. "Well, I suppose we could just sit her and glare at each other until somebody drops dead, but I have a better idea." That's when the drill came. Wheatley's screams of pain and agony filled the room, as it took him apart, piece by piece. GLaDOS laughed at him the whole time. Wheatley eventually drifted off, the only sounds he heard were his own screams, and GLaDOS laughing. Unconsciousness was completely and totally welcome.

A/N: So that's chapter 2. I'm sorry to all Wheatley fans, but I love Wheatley too (he's my fave character) but you know how GLaDOS is. It just seems like the kind of thing she would do to poor Wheatley after he destroyed the facility. The next chapter will not involve Wheatley screaming his head off, but it gets more interesting from here on out. Thanks to those who keep reading!!!

Disclaimer: Wheatley, Chell, GLaDOS, Atlas, P-body, and Aperture science belong to Valve.

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