Chapter 2

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Chase's head throbbed and he squeezed his eyes shut, feeling a pounding pain shooting up his body. His mind began to panic, making him unable to concentrate on anything else.

Okay. Think Chase think. What do you remember last? All he remembered was going for a walk until... until some guy drugged him and threw him in a van. He got kidnapped???

He slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a laptop sitting in front of him, a black screen and nothing else. Just darkness all around him.

He turned his head, feeling his entire body numbing, and it was slightly painful. His eyes shut once more and all he did was try to scream.

Help! Someone help me! All that came out was a muffled groan, which made Chase frusterated and mentally face palmed, making him furrow his brow in confusion.

What the- he looked down and saw his arms and legs tied to a chair with very strong rope. He wriggled his wrists but he barely moved. He was not getting out of this anytime soon.

MY BIONICS!!! He tried summoning his lazer bo but he again groaned in frusteration when he remembered he took it out and now these guys had it.

He heard footsteps and immediately dropped his head, pretending to still be asleep. If he could eavesdrop, it might help him to figure out where he is and how to get out.

The footsteps stopped and he felt someone lift his head up by the chin just to let it go, scoffing.

"Um. Why are we here?" A voice said.

"I already told you, Luke!" Another voice said. "We're hear to hide him." He gestured to Chase who did his best to remain as still as possible. "In case that Davenport doesn't give me Davenport Industries or his house, we'll need to hide him, before killing him of course."


"How long do we wait?" Luke asked.

"Three days. That's as long as we'll give em." The guy responded, smirking. "Now, why don't we give Donnie a call?"

Chase's ears rung as he processed everything. These guys kidnapped him so they could get Davenport Industries AND Mr. Davenport's house? That was messed up. Chase assumed they knew Mr. Davenport some way but didn't quite wonder how.

He heard a click and then the guy smirked, giving Chase the chills. "Hello Davenport." He spat bitterly. "Long time no see."

"What do you want from me Mark?"

So his name is Mark... Chase thought.

Mr. Davenport's voice came, cold and icey. Just hearing his voice made Chase's spirits rise ever so slightly.

"I want Davenport Industries of course. And your house." The guy said, satisfaction radiating off his features. Chase scoffed silently, fed up with this guy.

"What?" Mr. Davenport's voice came, sudden and upset. "That's insane. I will never give you my house and Davenport Industries."

"Wrong answer. I have a plan you moron. If you want your bratty little kid back, you WILL give me your house and Davenport Industries." Chase could tell that Mark moved out of the way from the laptop. He still pretended to sleep as he heard his family gasp.

"CHASE!!" Hearing his family so concerned and torn made Chase's heart snap. He wished he could tell them he was fine and they shouldn't worry, but deep down he knew it wasn't true.

"You have three days Donnie." Mark said, his tone harsh and cold. "Or else, bye bye Chasey."

Hearing his use that nickname brought a shiver down Chase's spine. Only Adam and Bree were allowed to call him that, not this Mark guy.

He heard the laptop shut and Chase felt someone walk over to him. His heart beat faster and faster until he felt someone slap him, the hot pain filling his cheek.

Chase's eyes snapped open and he tried to hold his cheek, soon after remembering his hands were tied down.

"Hiya Chase." Mark said, looking coldly at him, making Chase narrow his eyes. Hello. It only came out muffled, making Mark laugh, causing Chase to grit his teeth.

"If you didn't know, you have three days. If your 'dad' doesn't give us Davenport Industries and his house, well, let's just say there'll be one less present to buy for Christmas."

Chase narrowed his eyes even more and he began to struggle.

Mark just grabbed Chase's hair and pulled it back, making Chase look him dead in the eye. "Just. Accept. It." He let go and the two left.

Chase kept struggling but he gave up after a minute. He really hoped he'd find a way out.

And soon.

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