Chapter 3-Friendly Enemies

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Chapter 3-Friendly Enemies


As I walked down the street shivering in my jacket, I started to regret my choice of leaving home. Why hadn't I waited a few more hours? Oh how I missed my warm, fuzzy sheets!

It was around 5:00 a.m. now and the sun was starting to rise up. I spotted an old elementary school I had once gone to and decided to take a rest on the playground there. I sat down on a swing pushing myself lazily up and down and up and down. The rusty swing creaked and groaned as I watch some of the early morning runners pass by on the trail in the woods behind the school.

Some of the fog behind the trail started to disperse revealing a broken wooden gate. I stared at the rickty, splintered gate in wonder. There had never been a gate there when I was here, but the gate looked like it had sat with its broken self for decades. It's one of those places my sister would love, where they would go, what would lead me to her...

I got up mesmerized by the place. I glided toward it sliding my shoes against the overflowing forest floor. Crash! Suddenly, I was on the ground sending some of the dead and decaying fallen autumn leaves flying into the air. The whole fall seemed like it had played out in slow motion.

I looked up at the pine trees above me. I didn't feel like getting up now. The place seemed perfect. My eyes focused on 4 fuzzy figures. Those four figures were four guys. I rapidly pulled myself off the ground brushing dirt off my pants. Four guys from my high school and not even that! They were in my grade!! This was not good. Now, the police would have more information to find me.

"Nikki? Nikki Crown?" one of the boys asked. I didn't react. Maybe if I didn't respond, they wouldn't think it was me. "Yep it's her! She never answered me through her voice!" Darn it!

I turned to the four boys and identified them one by one, Garret, Logan, Theo, and Kale. This group? How do I even get myself into these messes. I shake my head at myself and sigh. Best thing to do now? Make them join me, but that's always easier said then done.

"Well, you found me, but what are you doing out hear this early in the morning?" I say.

"We should be asking you the same question," Logan replied.

"Well that's vauge. Honestly, I come here at this time all the time," I lied.

"Liar!" Theo shrieked. Oh. My. Gosh. How do they keep doing this to me?

"Theo's right Nikki. we are the ones who come to this place everyday at this time not you," Garret explains a bit of his country accent slips through his voice.

They eye me expectantly waiting for an answer to their accusation. I just raise my eyebrows daring them to say it, silently sizing them up and finding their weakness. Found it!

"You're parents don't know your out here do they? By the wary looks your wearing and that huge bag, which I'm assuming is clothes and provisions, you guys are running away."

They all freeze. They hadn't expected that response. I smirked. No one could escape my observations. I always find out the other person's weakness sooner or later. Garret, Theo, and Logan all burst of into explanations, excuses, and reasonings. Kale was the only one who kept quiet. I stared at him curiously. He was the leader of the group, the smart one, but also the one who is the most talkative. My blood ran cold as I realized what he was doing. He was analyzing me like I had him.

I would have hid behind a tree, but not only was that useless, it was pointless as well. I tensed up ready to pounce if he threatened me. "You're running away too." I flinched at the truth. He might have taken a longer time to analyze me, but he got right to the point. The other three stopped talking and stared at me waiting for my denial.

"Huh. I didn't expect you to be that smart Kale, but you're right, I'm doing the same deed as your gang. Now, I'm wondering that since you all know I'm more prepared for this than you guys, are that you want us to join forces?" I replied.

All eys turned to Kale. He was the one who had flinched this time. I smirked at this. Although I was surprised that he had accomplished that far into sight, he still had a long way to go. Slowly, he took a step forward crunching leaves under his feet and nodded. "Now, the question is: will you?"

"Why of course," I replied in an unsettling cheerful way. I started to hop away in the direction of that mysterious wooden fence. "Come along, boys. Time's a wasting."

The followed along at a slower pace muttering among themselves discussing whether this was the right thing to do. I suddenly stopped at gate without warning and turned abruptly.The boys almost bumped into me, but they caught sight of me just in time.

"Don't even think about it, " I snarled at Garret.

Garret took a step back away from my menacing stance. "W-w-what d-did I do?" he stuttered.

"You thought about it again!" I screamed into his mind. Garret started backing away more and more quickly. He tripped over a tree root and hit the ground. I rushed to him and put a foot on his chest keeping him from getting up. "Do you now understand?" I seethed. He nodded quickly. "Good!" my abnormally cheerful voice returned to the awaiting party. Logan looked surprised, Theo gazed at me with a guarded expression, and Kale... just gave me a curious look as if I were a rat under a microscope.

I took a step on a sturdier piece of the gate so I towered over everyone. "Now some ground rules gentlemen because some people..." I eyed Garret who had just returned. "... don't know how to act. Number 1! I know I'm a girl, but no 'ideas' please. Number 2! No one can penetrate anyone else's bubble or you're given set up duty. Number 3! When we get to our first stopping place, we share everything about each other. I don't want any of your unknown well-preserved secrets giving us surprises or trouble. Clear?"

They all nodded. As I turned around I heard Logan whisper, "Who died and made you leader?"

I spun around and walked up to Logan until I was in his face. "What'd you say?"

"Nothing," he mumbled.

"That's what I thought. Oh and by the way, I'm only temporary leader until we get to our first camp. When we get there, we will have our election," I mentioned over my shoulder as I walked up, over, and past the gate.

The four boys soon followed with a few bangs, crashes, cursing, and scratches. I shook my head. I would have to teach these guys so much.




After this chapter, things get a bit confusing because it seems as if Nikki has forgotten about her sister. Trust me on this she hasn't. Nikki does everything for a reason!! Almost everything will be explained in Chapter 7. Thanks for reading!


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