Chapter 8-Creepers Don't Knock

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Chapter 8-Creepers Don't Knock  


20 more minutes, that's all I needed. I walked into my masterpiece with Nikki, Theo, and the other three that I hadn't just forgiven yet.  

 15 more minutes. We all sat at the huge, round table I had made as I concentrated on getting the group's bags. 

10 more minutes. I explained the building, where everything was, how to tell the difference between each person's room, that the cellar would be the "refrigerator, and if they couldn't find something, find me.

5 more minutes. Nikki and I left the room to give the boys some privacy. We discussed our deal and We parted ways to our rooms.

2 more minutes. There my room was in sight. The beautifully done wooden door with detailed paneling. My room had been the easiest to create because I knew exactly what I wanted.

1 more minute. I pushed the door open and closed it behind me with my back. Leaning against the door, my act started to crach up and my legs started to wobble. My bed. I needed to reach it before I dropped to the ground.

No more time left. I managed to reach my bed and collapsed. 

I had used too much energy to create this place. It had been too much detail and too big a scale. I am still only a 5th century Elemental, I reminded myself bitterly. "I probably won't  even make it to 6th century," I thought aloud.

"Well, that's not very optimistic," a voice said from the other side of the room. My half-closed eyes snapped open and I practically flew out of my bed, brushing myself off as I went.   

There Nikki stood with her arms crossed leaning along the wood paneling of the door. Her face looked as if she was still thinking something through. "Oh! Nikki! I didn't know you came in!" I exclaimed. She could have at least knocked! I thought some creeper came in my room!

"Sorry for scaring you... The door was wide open..." she whispered, that calulaating, far-away look still in her eyes.

"Umm... No disrespect intended, Protector, but I'm very sure I closed the door," I replied matching her whisper.

She jumped startled. I guess she finished thinking. "Oh, right. I was actually coming to ask you one more thing. I knocked a few times, but you didn't answer so I just opened the door," she explained. "Oh and you don't have to call me Protector."  

"Better safe than sorry. I never know when she might come out," I preceded cautiously.

She sighed gloomily. "I guess your right."

I nodded. "Sorry I didn't answer the door. I guess I was just a bit... Tired," I began.

"You don't have to go past your limit, Kristin. I noticed what grandness you gave us for this house. I'm very impressed. Most 6th centuries can't do anything close to that," she complimented.  

I smiled. A compliment from the Protector... or Nikki! (I wasn't exactly sure.) Wow!"By the way, where's the rest of your kind?" she added.  

My smile dropped and my stomach swirled uncomfortably. Why did that question have to come up? I swallowed awkwardly making the saliva slide down my throat painfully. I twiddled my thumbs before falling back on my bed.

I looked up from my position on the bed to see Nikki's eyes waiting expectantly for an answer.

"T-they were all killed," I said shakily, taking deep breaths. Do not cry.  

"How?" she asked bluntly with no shock at all. No feeling. At. All.  

"Three of them came and wiped us out. I'm... The only one left that I know of. I only survived because Clay put me in the hidden tunnel leading out of our community. I think Clay was the only one who knew about it..."  

"I know where the three of them are," she said. "Sorry for being so unfeeling before, but I needed to get to the point."  

My head snapped up. "What?" I asked, only listening to the first part.  

"Yes, they are with Songbird, the one who kidnapped my sister. I reviewed the memories of the dead. I saw the three there, but Songbird had remained hidden in the shadows. I could only sense her presence," she explained.

My eyes flashed at the memory of them, but I stopped quickly. I can't do that! I thought about everything she said. "Gives me more reason to travel with you... Wait. Your sister is gone? But you're the Protector! Aren't you supposed..."

"I know what I'm supposed to do, but these present day species of humans never got as far as we had. I can only do so much. I've only had 3 years to learn this," she replied darkly.

Three years! I thought. It took me three years  to finally receive my first element and another five years to master that one element before I could get my next one!

"If you use your power too much around humans, you become habituated and eventually make mistakes that give up your secret," she explained. "Now that she's gone, I won't be able to 'turn off' my abilities. I can only put it to use at my utmost minimal.  This is where I need your help. Not only do I need a team to help me win back my sister, I also need to hide it from the boys, and as I said before, my power will cause me to have mistakes. I've already made some traveling with them, but I managed to cover it up."  

"Why not just tell them?" I asked. It seemed like the most sensible thing to do.

"Although some of them show potential to be descendants of different species of humans, I can't be sure. Until I know, I won't be able to tell them. It's one of the rules of the Beginning species," she said. 

"Oh, okay. I guess each species has different rules. The Infinite species says if you confront a Current human that you must make sure that you leave no trace or make them think they imagined it all," I thought aloud.  

"Yes, but back to the situation at hane,we are still only girls and it's not like we are close to the boys. We need someone inside their little gang, so we know what to expect," she said.

"But how? You said it yourself that they only showed potential," I exclaimed.

"I said some of them show potential," she said with a knowing smile. Her eyes darted to the door. "They've finished their conversation in the kitchen. Can you take me to Logan's room?"  

"Logan's?" I asked confused. 

"You'll see. Come on," she answered vaguely.

I stumbled forward. I guess I was still tired. Nikki followed after me patiently. I walked down the hallway until I reached the 4-way crossing. 

I made Nikki and I have our own hallway and paired the boys with one hallway. Each boy got their own room but they had to share their restroom. In the middle of 4-way crossing was the stairs leading down to the kitchen, living room, dining room, and study. 

The hallway across from mine was Nikki's and I had put signs up, so the boys wouldn't get lost trying to find their room. I'm pretty sure they would have without the signs. I turned to the right where Logan and Garret's name had been pasted to the pointed sign. The first door to the right had Logan's name carved in.    

Nikki stepped forward and knocked loudly on the door. "You better not be doing anything inappropriate in there because Kristin and I are coming in," she yelled through the door.

She opened the door and stepped in. I followed behind her. Logan spinned around on his chair, squeaking as he went along.  "What do you want?" he asked rudely.

"Wrong answer, Aero," the Protector spat.

Nikki was gone.  

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