Chapter 7-After History is Campfire Fun Time

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Chapter 7-After History is Campfire Fun Time


 After hearing a third crash from behind me, I knew all off the boys had woken up. I held my hands out to the fire warming my hands. Garret stomped up to our group by the fire.

"How the h-" Garret grumbled.

"No cursing allowed!" I interrupted. He scowled at me. "Go sit by your little boy gang. They'll tell you what happened."

He stomped over to the log where Logan and Kale were discussing something intently. They had chosen the direct opposite log from me. Beside me, Kristin sat, her face blank. Theo shifted uncomfortabley on the other side of me. I could tell he felt like he should be with his friends.

They were all awake now. I could start explaining everything to them. I cleared my throat to gather everyone's attention. All eyes turned to me. I stood up and faced the three boys who had been unconscious for 5 hours.

I opened my mouth to speak when. Kale jumped up and blurted, "You have so much explaining to do Nikki. Why is the girl who tried to kill us sitting right there? Why-"

I held my hand up and closed my eyes waiting for the silence to come. After a few minutes in his rant, Kale noticed what I was doing and sat down grumpily.

"As I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted," I began pointedly, "I will answer all of your questions. Just give me some time to get to it.

"Kristin only tried to attack you because of what has happened in her past. She'd rather not get into it, so don't press for that subject. All you need to know is that you made her irritated because you were arrogant. She despises arrogancy. Don't show too much of it around her for your own safety. I know it will be hard for you guys, but having your life at stake is a great motivation!

"Any questions before I commence the second part of the group meeting?" I asked.

Garret stroked his chin as he thought. Logan started bitin his nails. Kale just stood there staring at me.

"Gosh da—nggit! I know I had a million questions beforehand! Where did they all go?" Garret grumbled to himself.

"I feel you pain man! When she asked me, I went totally blank," Theo called out to the other side of the fire.

"Why are you over there anyway?" Logan asked.

 "I don't know! Nikki made me do it. Something about more information or getting mad at me because I made you hang from trees in your sleep," Theo answered with an innocent look on his face.

"That was you?!" I can't believe it! How'd you get us up there then?" Garret said in exasperation.

"Kristin helped me!" Theo replied cheerfully.

"What? You let the fire-killer touch  me?"Garret gasped in horror.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. These boys got unfocused so quickly. I wondered about my decision to manipulate them to help me.

"How can she do that?" Kale asked unexpectedly. The bickering I thought he had been caught up keep in came to a stop and the boys' eyes turned to me.

"Who do what?" I asked simply.

"That girl-"  he began.

"That's girl's name is Kristin if you'd be so kind as to use it so you don't have another attempt on your life," I interrupted.

"–manipulating fire," he finished unphased.

"Oh. That," I replied.

"Yeah, that. Now, tell us."

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