Chapter 10-Alternate Personalities Watch Naruto

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Chapter 10-Alternate Personalities Watch Naruto


I closed the door of my room behind me and sighed. Knowing Theo he'd probably throw a fit and run out of the room as soon as he figured out there was no stereo. I let out a sigh to prepare myself for what was to come and turned around to face him.

Theo was sitting in a woven wooden chair with his legs crossed, his arms spread across on the armrests, and a powerful stare directed toward me. The gaze kept me in my spot. A knowing smile spread smoothly across his face.

"I wonder why you wanted to talk to me, Nikki. How desperate are you? That lousy excuse to lure me here was easy to see through." The precise exactness in his words caught me off guard. No way in the world was this Theo.

I opened my mouth to reply, but I was cut off. "It seems you hold many secrets and you must know that knowledge is power, but who truly wants to be only a pawn?"


"Yes?" he answered.

"Are you feeling okay? You don't seem like yourself," I trailed off.

"My, my, Nikki. You act as if you've known me for years, yet we've only spent a day together. I'm greatly touched though."

This was beginning to freak me out. I shook myself. "Sure, I don't know you, but I'd like to learn. Can I ask you a few questions?"

"That should be fine, but to save time let me answer the questions you're clearly projecting on your face. I believe the first question is 'What is wrong with you?' Obviously, I project a great amount of stupidity usually. This time here is a glitch. In a way, I'm an alternate personality, but I'm more of a dusty toy in the back of Theo's mind. You can only act stupid for so long and even though he tries to push me out I'll still be here. Well, at least for 30 minutes of each day at 7:24 P.M...." he explained. "Of course, the usual me never remembers these 30 minutes. This small part of me holds all the cards, all the memories, all the pain, all the hatred, and all the things that make Theo or me, me. I wish he'd accept me, but he holds on to his past too much."

He trails off and puts his chin on his hand. He stays like that for a few minutes before turning to me. "My turn for a question."

I was slightly embarrassed that he could read me so well, but I was still fascinated over what this "intelligent" Theo had just told me. Questions started to sprout in my head. 

"Time's a ticking. I'll be here for about... 20 more minutes. I won't answer any more of your growing questions if you don't answer mine."

So little time. I thought. I'll just have to answer his questions quickly. "Okay, shoot."

"Who are you?" he asked.

"What?" What kind of question was that?

"I know your name, but not who you are. When I was heading toward Logan's room, I heard the word Protector and from that I deduced it must be you because Logan and Kristin were the ones saying it. You still haven't told us why you were "running away". When you saved me from Kristin's ring of fire you pushed the fire to the side an created a hole. You teleported my friends to our position. Did you think we wouldn't notice you had powers? Kale probably already figured it out. Clearly, you showed Garret your power when he tried to hit on you. He's going to tell one of us sooner or later. I-"  

"Okay. Okay. I get it. I am Nikki, the Protector. I protect the Keeper which would be my sister and the one who was kidnapped by some ginger. My sister and I are from the Beginning species of humans. There are many types of species of humans. My species is the first. Each species of human has their own set of powers that they discover right before their own apocalypse. The species who don't know our existence and haven't discovered their powers yet are called the Current. They are given a name after their apocalypse and a new species of humans appear. Because I'm the Protector, I'm given every species' powers."

"I smell a half-truth."  

I started. How could he tell? "I could tell by how you reacted," he said answering my question.   I sighed. Why did this Theo have to be so perceptive?

"Fine, but can I call you something other than Theo. It's really weird calling you Theo when you aren't... Theo."   "You can call me Aldin. It's Theo's middle name. I guess each of the personalities should take a part of his name," he stated. "Now, tell me the whole truth."  

"Okay, Aldin. The Protector and I are a bit like separate beings. It's like a monster inside of me. I can only control it sometimes."  

"Whoa, that is just like Naruto," Theo or Aldin or whatever his name is gasped. Aldin shook himself. "Theo is starting to kick in. You'll need to hurry."  

My eyes widened. I still had quite a few questions to ask and answers to be told. "Right, right! My sister and I aren't really sisters. We were both adopted by my parents who are apart of the Jirer species. My turn. You must know by now, Aldin, that you or Theo or whoever is special. You might come from faint line of a different species. I need to train you if you are willing to join my mission. Would you agree to join my cause?"  

"Of course. Something amusing should be good, and Theo shouldn't mind. This would be like a dream come true for him." He smiled faintly and slightly paled.  

"That's great! Now-"  

"Nikki," Aldin interrupted. "I'm going to fade away in a two minutes and since I'm joining your cause, I have to tell you. I will influence Theo to calmly accept your training. He won't even realize that he didn't know. Next, there is something important that I spotted that might help you find your sister."  

My ears perked at those words. He said what? A clue? I leaned forward eager to hear more.    "At the place we first saw Kristin, there is jacket that I saw your sister wore once. I'm pretty sure it is hers because "Isabella" is written in Sharpie on the tag. Because you are all powerful, you might have a power that can track them, I hope?"  

I nodded excitedly. I might reach Isabella sooner than I thought.   

"Good," Aldin sighed. "I guess I'll be going, but I'd get that clue soon. It won't be long until their back. I just know…I always know… One more thing. Watch out for Parker…The other guys know about Parker…. Just beware…"

Parker? This was becoming frustrating. I tried to penetrate Aldin's mind, but it was like hitting a wall.

Aldin's eyes closed and his presence disappeared. In exactly three seconds, his eyelids snapped open.  

"Wow, we got here fast! Wait, were you asking me something? I was probably daydreaming. I didn't hear. Where is the stereo?" Theo rambled.  

"Sorry to let you down, Theo, but we have some other matters we must handle first."   

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