Chapter 3

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"Now my neck is wide open, begging for a fist around it

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"Now my neck is wide open, begging for a fist around it..."

Ashley's POV

Everybody was staring at me when I walked down the hall today, usually this wouldn't bother me but today it felt weird.

"I heard Clay dumped her," I heard someone, I think named Delani, whisper.

Did that ass really tell everyone he dumped me? Tear pricked at my eyes, of course I was sad, but I didn't like all the pressure of prom and shit..

Avery happily walked over to me, after she gave me a sympathetic smile. I returned with a glare that said 'don't talk'.

"What did I do?" She asked, cocking her head to the side as squinting her eyes.

"Why were you hanging out with her?" I said, rolling my eyes, "I mean you claim to hate her."

"Yeah but get to know her," she smiled a bit, "she's really nice. Did you know that she slept with one of the cheerleaders boyfriends."

"Whose?" I asked getting my books out of my locker.

"I don't know," she shrugged, "multiple."

I scoffed and turned around, "she's such a slut you know." Avery nodded I agreement.

The first bell rang signaling class would be starting in 5 minutes.

"Bye got to go." I waved and walked to my first class.

Avery's POV

I couldn't bring myself to tell her that Alison slept with Clay. I mean I'm a horrible person, aren't I?

Ashley's my best friend. Has been since the first day of 2nd grade. She's going to be pissed.

3rd person's POV

Ashley made her way threw the crowded halls getting words thrown at her like bullets, some of hate, some of praise.

Ashley of course didn't mind, she was used to it. Ever since she started dating Clay she was judged.

"Ms. Ashley, are you going to make your way into the class room, or stand here staring at nothing?" Her math teacher, Mrs. George, said in annoyance.

"Sorry, just thinking." Ashley sighed, whilst fixing her hair and walking in to find her seat.

Ashley's POV

I was currently in math, my least favorite subject I may add. Just something about numbers and letters and parentheses doesn't make any sense to me.

I sighed and started to draw random things on my notebook when I was interrupted by the heavy fire slamming closed.

My head slowly came up, as did the red of the class to reveal a boy around 6'0 something with blonde hair. He silently walked up to Mrs. George and they started having a little conversation.

I've never seen him around before, maybe he's new or I just haven't paid attention enough.

"Everybody this is Jay, he's new." Mrs. George said with no excitement whatsoever in her voice, "please have a seat in that empty desk, next to Ashley." She pointed to me and then went back to eating her apple.

I watched him as he came to sit down, I wouldn't say he wasn't bad looking he was definitely attractive. I just go out of a relationship so I don't want to move to fast.

"It's not nice to stare, you know." I heard someone whisper which snapped me out of my thoughts. I finally realized Jay was the one who spoke up with an eyebrow raised and a small smirk.

"I-I uh, sorry?" I stuttered nervously while blushing. God, why was I staring? I wasn't over Clay yet. Right?

---------------------------------------------3rd chapter is up! 4th chapter will probably be up in a couple of days!

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-- tumblrhalsey 💓

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