Chapter 5

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"I'm headed straight for the castle

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"I'm headed straight for the castle."

Ashley's POV

It's been almost 2 weeks since I broke up with Clay. Alison and him have become the talk of the school. Oh, she's also nominated for prom queen. I know I've been talking about not wanting the attention or not wanting to win prom queen. Honestly though, if she's my opponent then hell i'm gonna win.

"Ash," Avery said, waving her hand in front of my face. "Stop thinking about them. It's not worth it."

I sighed, rolling my eyes, "I mean she's obviously more popular than me." I pulled out my phone scrolling through Twitter and Instagram.

"Thought you didn't care about shit like that." Avery retorts, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I don't," I sighed running a hand through my brown hair. "I mean I do, but only when she is the competition." She rolls her eyes, whilst muttering something to herself that I can't make out.

"Hey Ashley, you totally have my vote." Some girl smiles at me, as her friend nods along. They continue walking down the crowded hallway.

"Okay so that's 3 votes that we're sure of. Right?" I half smile towards Avery. "Alison could only have like 1."

She rolled her eyes and got her books out of her locker. "Ashley you're practically already a queen here, so why not just make it official?"

We started walking down the hall only to see Alison and Clay walking towards us. Right when Alison fit right next to me she dropped her books on the floor.

"What the hell?" She screamed and looked at me. "Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" I asked completely confused by her sudden outburst, "why did you just drop your books?"

"You know what?" She screamed pushing me back into Avery. "Fuck. You."

"I don't have to fuck you," I argue. "I've already fucked your boyfriend enough times." I hear a few laughs including Avery's and look back to see that she's formed a crowd with her pointless drama, great.

All of the suddenly her hand is on my face that leaves a light sting. My eyes widen and a bring my hand to my tingling cheek.

"Bitch," I mumble and slap her back. She stumbles back and starts to cry, while Clay puts a protective arm around her shoulders. He glares at me as they walk away leaving her books on the ground.

I look around the hallway to see multiple people, some of them look at me with disgust, some are looking at me with a proud smirk. Though one smirk out of the few caught my eye.



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