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I couldn't have been asleep for more than an hour before I shot up out of sleep. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. All I could think of was the experience that I had on hell. I looked around the room and noticed that nobody was here. I looked around the room to see if there was a note explaining where the boys went but there was nothing. I put on my shoes and grabbed a gun off of the night stand next to my bed and walked out to find Sam and Dean.

I wish they would have told me that they were leaving before I went to sleep or something. I walked maybe half a mile before seeing the impala. I walked into the bar and seen Sam and Dean sitting there with Cas. sam seen me and tapped Dean on the shoulder and said something but i was to tired to try and read his lips at the moment. I walked over to the boys and said, "Thanks for saying something about leaving guys."

Cas said, "Your welcome." Cas seen the look on my face and said, "Sorry you must have been being sarcastic."

Sam said, "Yes Cas she was."

Then I looked at Dean and he said, "Sorry didn't know I had to you were out before we even thought about leaving."

"You still could have written a note or something Dean. I was worried about you..." And then our eyes meet and I stopped talking. I could see both Cas and Sam out of the corner of my eye. Sam looked confused and Cas wasn't it was like he expected us to do this, but then again he is an angel and probably knows me better then I know me. Then we stopped looking at each other when someone or something went flying through the window.

I looked at the boys and we all stood up and I had my hand on the gun ready to pull it out if needed so did Dean. Then the daemon the guy that pushed the other guy through the window turned around and looked at me. He looked so familiar I just couldn't put a name to his face then it hit me it was Alistair! I pulled my gun out ready to shoot him but I blinked and he wasn't there anymore and the guy hadn't even went through the window. Dean,Sam,and Cas all had worried looks on their faces.

Dean looked at me and said, "Let's go now." Sam and Cas stayed behind as me and Dean left the bar. Once we were outside Dean said, "What was that about Clary? Why did you pull the gun out? How did you even get a gun?"

Then right as I opened my mouth to say something the guy actually went flying through the window and Alistair was actually standing right there. I looked at dean and said, "Don't have time to explain at this very moment Winchester." Dean had a shocked look on his face because I called him by his last name. I pulled the gun out ready to shoot it but then mine and Alistair's eyes meet and I dropped the gun.

Dean didn't know who it was until he looked up and seen him himself and knew exactly why I dropped the gun. He knew I dropped it because I was scared. Then Alistair disappeared but it didn't matter because it felt like he was still there and then I started to cry. That was the last thing I wanted to do in front of Sam and Dean was cry. We were still sitting in the parking lot while Dean held me. Then we all including Cas got into the car.

When we arrived at the hotel I was still a mess. There was a couple minutes of silence until I said, "I'm Sorry I should have shot him. I hesitated because I was scared. I'm sorry I know I let you down again." Then I started to cry again.

Sam said, "No you didn't. Yes you hesitated but it was your first time holding a gun since you have been back."

Dean just stood there and didn't do or say anything until Sammy said he was going to go and take a shower. Then Dean came and sat down next to me and held me and said, "Do you want to talk about it?"

I said, "Talk about what?"


"No Dean not really."

He said, "That's fine I didn't at first either."

I said, "Dean it's not that I don't want to it's that I don't know how to put how I fell into words."

He said, "It's ok you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

We sat there in silence for maybe a few seconds before I said, "You know I hate crying in front of you and Sammy."

He said, "I kinda thought so. I mean you have only really cried 3 times in front of us."

"Of course you remember how many times I have cried in front of you."

We both giggled then our eyes meet,and we stared at each other and were about to kiss when Sam came out of the shower. Sam apparently seen us and asked, "Ok you two is there something I should know about?"

Me and Dean looked at eachother then started to smile and then Dean said, "Clary do we want to tell him or should it continue to stay a secret."

I said, "I don't know does Little Sammy want to know."

Sam laughed and said, "If you don't want to you don't have to but I mean I will find out one way or another."

We all laughed and it was so much fun actually being with them and having a good time. For a couple minutes about everything that was going on. Then Sam suggested that we should get some sleep and I said, "Um....I'm gonna try and find a lead for you guys."

Dean said, "Clary I think you should get some sleep."

"Dean no!"

"Sorry Clary I didn't mean to make you mad." Dean said.

I said, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell I just can't sleep right now."

Dean looked at Sam then Dean said, "Ok it's fine just you'll have to sleep some time and we are already on a case."

I said, "What case guys?"

Dean said, "The one that we are on right now. We think that it's a demon this time but I don't want you coming."

I said, "Ok But what about the next case."

Dean said, "I don't know maybe if I think you're ready."

Sam said, "And I have to think so to."

I said, "Fine." Then the boys went to sleep.  

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