Girl Meets Kiss: Part 1

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Prompt: During their conversation in Texas Part 3, Riley and Farkle kiss. It's fine...they'll just forget about it right? Wrong. Someone saw it. And they aren't too happy that they did. Will they keep the secret? Or will they use it to their advantage. Will the situation become too much for Riley and Farkle to handle?

Find out here :)

3rd Person POV

"You can't tell anybody." Riley mumbles shamefully.

"I will unless you do." Farkle states walking up to Riley.


"Because we are growing up. And I don't know how to handle these feelings we're feeling, but I do know that we don't lie to each other. We don't lie to each other Riley."

Farkle struggles to hold his demanding composition.

He knows he's being hypocritical.

The feelings he's feeling are for Riley.

But telling her that would be fatal to their friendship.

Riley doesn't know what to say.

The truth is, ever since Texas, she had realized something close to revolutionary.

She liked Farkle.

No, she loved Farkle.

Sure, there was still something in her towards Lucas.

But she loved Farkle.

"This is really hard and I just need some time." Riley chokes.

"I'm always here for you." Farkle states, stepping closer to Riley.

Riley steps up to Farkle and wraps her arms around him, laying her head on his shoulder.

Farkle returns the hug, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.

"I love you Farkle." Riley states.

"And I love you." Farkle tries to stay platonic.

But in his heart, it's not.

Riley pulls away and wipes tears off of her face.

"Now go on your date." Farkle backs away, giving Riley a supportive smile. 

Charlie comes out and coughs, "Ready?"

Riley giggles, "For the previews of coming attractions?"

"Yeah," Farkle smiles, "I'm sure we're all wondering what happens now."

Riley and Charlie start to walk away, leaving Farkle to stare longingly at the steps.

Riley runs down the stairs suddenly and up to Farkle.

She bites her lip, "Farkle, I...."


Her warm lips press against his.

Farkle takes a second to process what's happening before kissing her back.

"And I Love You": Riarkle Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now