Girl Meets Family: Part 2

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I wake up in the morning surrounded by another body.

Farkle's body.

I snuggle in until I hear, "MOMMY!"


I jump out of bed and run to the girls' room where Julia is crying in her bed.

"What's wrong?" I ask, out of breath.

"I had a nightmare." Julia sobs out.

I sit next to Julia on her bed and take her in my arms.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I whisper.

She buries her head in my chest and whispers, "No."

Farkle runs to the doorway, looking half asleep but very worried.

I mouth, "It's okay."

He nods and walks towards the kitchen.

"Well Julia," I begin, "it's already 6 so how 'bout we get up and go get some breakfast! We leave for daycare and school in 2 hours."

She nods and walks over to her closet, pulling out a pale blue dress, "Can I wear this?"

I smile, "Of course you can, I'm going to wake up your sister and brother and get them moving okay?"

"Okay Mommy."

I walk over to Rachel and rub her shoulder.

She wakes up, looking startled, but calms down.

"Hey Riley."

"Hey Rach, get dressed, I trust you can pick out your own clothes."

She nods and hops up.

I leave the room and wake up Caden, telling him a similar story.

I walk into the kitchen where Farkle has a plate of pancakes ready.

"I didn't know you could cook Minkus." I tease.

He laughs, "Oh I can cook, Matthews. For a rich boy, I've got some skills."

I roll my eyes, and join Julia and Rachel who have already sat down.

"I'm gonna go check on Caden." Farkle says, leaving his post.

"Mommy?" Julia looks up at me.


"Do you love Daddy?"

Her wide eyes look up at me with hope, like she wants me to love him.

I nod honestly, "Yeah, Julia, I do."

Rachel pipes up, "Are you dating?"

Julia gasps, "Are you married?"

I laugh, "No...I don't think Daddy likes me like that."

Farkle walks back in with a grin on his face, "I had to re-wake the sleeping beast."

"Daddy do you love Mommy?" Julia blurts.

Farkle's face gets red, "Uh, of course I do."

Rachel pushes, "But do you love love her? Like wanna date her?"

My face turns red, even redder than Farkle's.

I want him to say yes.

Caden runs in breaking the tension.

When I see him, Farkle and I burst out laughing.

He has a nice green collared shirt on....

But no pants.

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