Girl Meets Abuse

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Prompt: When Riley finds out that Farkle is being abused at home...let's just say she isn't happy.

Riley's POV

I walked into school on a Monday morning with Maya's arm linked with mine.

"You know why I'm happy today?" I ask, a smile taking over my lips.

"Riles, you're happy every day." She replies.

"I'm happy because everything is normal again. You're you. I'm me. You and Lucas are dating. The sun is out. It's a nice day, Peaches."

"Should I expect a speech like this tomorrow?"


"Howdy girls." Lucas smiles walking up to Maya and putting his arm around her.

"Howdy y'all hurr-hurr hurr-hurr I'm Ranger Rick." Maya responds with a horrid accent.

Lucas rolls his eyes, "I thought since we were dating the teasing would stop."

"In your dreams, cowboy."

"Hello intellectual inferiors." Smackle greets us.

Zay looks at her and purses his lips, "Smackle if you want us to like you, don't insult us."

"It's my human nature Zay, I'm doing my best."

I cock my head, "Smackle where's Farkle?"

"I do not know." She states.

The bell rings and we all walk to history.

No Farkle.

He's always here.

I whip out my phone

From: Me
To: Sparkly Farkly ✨

Where are you??

Farkle's POV

As I rush in the school doors, my phone buzzes.

It's Riley.

From: Sunshine 💖☀️
To: Me

Where are you??

I stuff my phone in my pocket and bust into the classroom.

Everyone stares at me.

I look down at Riley, who's eyes are wide.

Not only am I late.

My eye is black and my arm is wrapped lazily in gauze bandages.

I sit down in front of Smackle and next to Riley.

"Hello Farkle." Smackle states, emotion void from her.

"Hey Smackle." I mutter.

Riley stares at me, "Farkle what...."

I swallow, "Bay window after school?"

She nods slowly, "Okay."

Riley's POV

After school I sit in the bay window.

All I can think about is this morning when I saw Farkle.

His eye was practically purple and his arm was wrapped.

I felt my heart stop for the first time.

Who could hurt Farkle like this?

As if on cue, he climbs through my bay window.

"Hey." He mutters.

"Hi Farkle." I look over at him.

Tears have made clean streaks down his cheeks.

His usually bright blue eyes seem to be dulled.

"What happened?" I ask, putting my hand on his chin.

"Nothing." He mutters.

"I'm not dumb Farkle. Sure, I'm not even close to as smart as you or Smackle and maybe I get a D once in a while, but I do understand people. Something's wrong with you. I see it. So tell me."

I had never seen Farkle break before today.

Sure, he had cried in second grade when he broke his arm, but he never broke.

He was my rock.

He was always there for me.

But not today.

Today, Farkle was broken.

Farkle chokes on a sob and tears start rolling down his cheeks.

"Farkle...." I whisper.

He nudges closer to me and lays his head on my shoulder.

I gently wrap my arms around him and pull him in closer.

Of course I'll get the bottom of this.

But for right now, all he needs is a hug.

"Farkle, I'm going to ask a question and I need an answer."

His head slides up and down my shoulder as I sigh.

"Who hurt you?"

His head shakes back and forth.

I sigh, "I know someone is hurting you and I want to know who and I want to know now!"

"Mm aad" Farkle mumbles into my shoulder.

I push his shoulders back so he's facing me, "What?"

"My dad."

"Minkus? But he would never hurt a fly...." I stutter out.

Farkle laughs coldly, "But yet he will hurt his own son."

"Why?" I can't imagine a reason that a father would hurt his son.

"Because of you, Riley."

I pull away from him far enough that I can look into his eyes. I've never seen him so upset. 

"What did I do?"

He looks down at my carpet, "My father doesn't like that I'm around you. He hates Cory for taking Topanga away from him. He thinks that I...have feelings for you...and he considers you under us. He'd rather I just be with Smackle and no one else. But I don't want that! I want to be friends with everyone, especially you. I can't lose you because of my father not letting go of the past."



"Do you have feelings for me?"

"Since the first grade."

I wrap my arms around him, "I love it. And I'm here for you."

Farkle cracks a small smile and looks at me, "That's all I need to hear."


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