Girl Meets Bullying

426 11 14

Prompt: Riley's bully had taken it far this time...too far. Enough to push her off the ledge. Will someone save her? Or will she really fall off the edge?

Riley's POV

I placed my phone down beside me on the window.

Missy had been texting me non-stop all day.

"You're a loser."

"No one likes you."

"Kill yourself."

The words pound into my head like drums.

My parents don't know it's happening.

My friends do, but for all I've told them, it stopped.

Except him.

Except Farkle.

Somehow, Farkle always knows.

But he never says a word.

He just gives me long stares.


I just wish he'd say something.


To prove that he knows.


I look up at Farkle who appeared in my bay window without me hearing him. 

"Yes, Farkle?"

He sighs, climbing in to sit next to me, "What's going on with you? I know something is happening."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't give me that, Riley. You never talk, you never smile, you never wanna do anything. Hell, I'm not even supposed to be in here but here I am. So tell me!"

As if on cue, my phone buzzes

"You'll never be as good as your parents."

Farkle's eyebrows crease, "What is that?"

I put my phone face down so he can't see it, "Nothing."

"Riles don't shut me out."

It buzzes again.

"Lucas will never love you as a girlfriend, neither will that geek kid Farkle."

Before I can react, Farkle snatches my phone out of my hand and reads the text.

His mouth goes agape, "Riley you know this isn't true...who sent this to you?"

A tear rolls down my cheek, "Isn't it true though? Lucas likes Maya, not me. And"

"Love you for you. Riley, everyone loves you for you. You need to listen to what we say, not to whatever this person is."

My phone buzzes again in his hand. 

I can't see it, but I see the color drain from his face.

"What does it say Farkle?"

He shakes his head, "It's not true, it doesn't matter."

"You need to tell me or I'll just find out the hard way."

"Did you realize they all left you?"

My chest starts feeling heavier, "Farkle, why did you leave?"


I start crying harder, "You said you never would. You promised you would stay. But I don't remember the last time we talked or you smiled at me or you laughed with me or you even cared to look at me."

Farkle bites his cheek to stop himself from tearing up. 

He's just as upset as I am.

"Why did you leave me?" I whisper.

"Smackle was threatened by you." He says in a low voice.

"What?" I can barely breathe. This makes no sense, "Why?"

He looks down, "She's very perceptive. She could tell that I didn't feel for her what I was supposed to. She thought I was in love with you."

"So she is right. Everything she's saying is right. Everyone did choose someone else over me."

Farkle puts his hand on my arm, "Riley...."

"Here," I unlock my phone and hand it to him, "tell me she isn't exactly right. Tell me that you didn't all leave me."

As his eyes scan over each text, his eyes grow wider and mouth falls more.

He looks at me with tears in his eyes, "You don't believe these right? You'd never hurt yourself."

I don't answer him, I look out the window.

"Right?" He shakes my arm and I wince.

He looks down at my sleeve, knowing what's there.

He doesn't say anything, he just looks at me with sad eyes.

"Why should I bother telling you! You'll just tell my parents, won't you?" I yell back.

His face hardens, "No, I won't. Tell me."

"Fine. Tomorrow night I'm gonna jump. It's what she wants. It's what you all want." I lie.

It's only half a lie.

I'm jumping tonight.

Instead of protesting like I thought he would, Farkle nods and leaves out my bay window.


That night, I stood on the roof, staring down at my fate.

"Wait Riley!" A voice screams from behind me.

I whip around as Farkle runs up to me with a grave look on his face.

"If you're gonna jump just know that I don't want you to jump an-"

His face looks tired and desperate, "I love you Riley. We all do. Don't leave, I need you. I need my sunshine. I'm sorry."

He reaches out his hand, "Please."

I take his hand and step down from the ledge, "Don't let her win Riles. Show her how strong you are."

"I can't do it alone Farkle. I can't face her alone."

"That's why I'm here. I'll always be here for you. I love you more than you'll ever know Riley. Even more than Maya."

He wraps his arms around me and whispers, "If you jump, so do I."

The tears streaming down his face were a clear indication that this isn't what he wanted.

He wanted to live.

And for once in a long time, so did I.

"And I Love You": Riarkle Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now