Girl Meets Breakups

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Prompt: When Lucas breaks up with Riley for Maya, Riley doesn't know who to go to. But one fateful night when Farkle comes to Riley's bay window, what will happen?

Riley's POV

I pick at my salmon while Lucas stares down at his phone.

It's our 2 year anniversary and all he can do is text.

Our waitress walks up with a bill and looks at Lucas, expecting him to to take it.

But, of course, he doesn't.

She places the check on the table and gives me an apologetic look.


He laughs at his phone.


"Huh?" He appears startled as he looks up.

I look down at the check, tapping my foot.

"Oh." He mutters as he pulls out his Visa and puts the check on the side if the table.

I roll my eyes and sip my water.

Lucas, whether he noticed my annoyance or not, goes back to texting.

"So it's our anniversary." I state, basically talking to a wall.

He doesn't even look my direction.

"I got you something." I pull out a long black box with a red bow on it.

Lucas, finally, looks up and opens the box.

It's a tie with horses on it.

"Thanks." He mumbles half-heartedly.

I know it wasn't a fantastic gift, but it was something!

I can't take this anymore.


"What?" He asks, looking offended that I would even imagine to raise my voice at him.

"Will you please put your phone down!"

"But I'm texting Maya." He protests.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever I'm done."

I start to storm out of the restaurant, but Lucas' hand grasps my arm.

"Riley what the hell?"

"All you do is text Maya! You never pay attention to me do you? So I'm done Lucas!"

I yank my arm away and run to my car, abandoning Lucas at the restaurant.

Tears flow madly down my cheeks as I swerve my way through the busy New York streets.

I run into the apartment, not acknowledging my parents.

I throw open my laptop and log onto all of the online social media accounts I have, erasing every trace of my relationship with Lucas, including my relationship status.

Only minutes later, my bay window opens and Farkle climbs through.

"What happened?" He asks promptly, seating himself.

I shrug, "Nothing."

He sighs, "Fine. Then what's up with you deleting Lucas from your life?"

"He's a dumb dumb dumby." I mumble.

"In more ways than one." Farkle replies.

I cock my head, "What?"

"Well for one he's letting go of you. That's the worst mistake anyone could ever make. Trust me, I did it."

"When did you let go of me?" I ask.

Farkle bites his lip, "When I was dating Smackle...did I ever tell you why we broke up?"


"Because I like someone else. Someone who was in a relationship."


Farkle smiles, "You, Riley."

'I've been in love with Riley since the first grade'

'Give your daughter to me. I'll give you four oxen and my best milking cow.'

'I don't know how to handle these feelings we're feeling'

'Riley, the sun: warm, bright, and lights up my whole day'

'Pluto will always be a planet in my room'

It all made sense now.

It's's always been Farkle.

"It was our 2 year anniversary and all he could do was text's like I wasn't even there...I was invisible to him."

Farkle puts his arms around my shoulders, "You aren't invisible to me, Riley."


"You love me. And I love you too." He states, letting his face light up.

I feel tears spring into my eyes, he's right.

Then again, Farkle Minkus is always right.


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