Girl Meets Family: Part 1

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Prompt: So recently I've read a lot of family GMW books but they all focus on Lucaya. So this'll focus on Riarkle.  This'll be three parts. Enjoy!

Riley's POV

"Why are we talking this class again?" Maya asks, groaning.

"Because Sunshine wanted to, and we do whatever she wants." Farkle replies, a smile consuming his face.

I smile back, "You know it."

Lucas lets out a laugh, "Hey maybe we'll all love it."

We walk into the class and take our seats.

Our teacher, Mrs. Burch, walks in with a big smile.

"Hello seniors, welcome to family ed. I'm your teacher, Mrs. Burch. The first thing is pairing you all up. The pairs are:
Yogi and Darby
Lucas and Maya
Farkle and Riley
Sarah a...."

I look over at Farkle as blush consumes my face.

He faints.

Oh Farkle, some things never change.

Mrs. Burch clears her throat, "After school, partners will meet here and go down to the local orphanage where they'll pick out up to 3 kids. Then you'll be assigned an apartment in the complex down the road. You'll care for the kids until Christmas break. To pay expenses, I don't expect you to get a job. School is your job. But, you will be paid a set amount each week, use it wisely. On January 1st the kids will return to the orphanage. Any questions?"

Lucas raises his hand, "Do my parents know?"

"Yes, Mr. Friar. They know and signed a slip allowing it."


The class lets out and all I can think is about Farkle.

He's picking himself off of the floor with the biggest smile on his face. 

I can't wait to have a fake family with him.

Farkle's POV

I can't believe I'll have a family with Riley.

When the final bell rings, I run to the family ed. classroom.

I walk up to Riley and smile, "Hey partner."

"Partner." She repeats, with a huge smile.

Mrs. Burch enters the classroom, "Let's roll."

On the way to the orphanage, Maya and Riley sit together to talk about what kids they want so Lucas and I sit together.

"So do you like Riley?" Lucas asks me.

I gulp, "Uh, well I love her...I have since first grade."

"But do you love love her?"

I cough, "Uh, no no I love her and Maya the same."

Lucas smiles, "Good cause I do."

My jaw drops, "Wha-what?"

"I like Riley." Lucas states, "And that's okay right? Cause you don't?"

Of course I like Riley.

I love Riley.

"Y-yeah." I lie.

"We're here!" Riley screams.

I smile at her foolishness and exit the bus.

"Partner up and prepare to enter!"

I stand next to Riley and reach for her hand.

She looks down at it, smiles, and takes it.

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