Girl Meets Family: Part 3

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Riley's POV

"Daddy!" Julia squeals when she sees Farkle holding his face.

I push the hair away from Farkle's face and look at his eye that is severely bruised.

In the background I can hear Maya yelling at Lucas.

"Don't show the kids your eye okay?" I instruct him and he nods.

Julia runs up, tears streaming down her face, "Daddy?"

I pick Julia up and pat her back, "He's okay. Let's get home."

The rest of the kids run over, looking alarmed.

"What happened?" Rachel asks.

I sigh, "Your father got hurt, he'll be fine. Let's get going."

Rachel nods and squeezes my hand.

We start walking away when Maya yells, "Wait!"

We stop and turn to see her running after us, "I'm sorry about him."

"Maya, you aren't responsible for him. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Maya nods, "Gotcha."

When the five of us get back to the apartment, I turn to the kids, "I'm going to take care of him, you guys go play until lunch."

They nod and run off.

Farkle and I retreat to our bathroom where he uncovers his face.

To say the least, it's gross.

"So while we clean this up, can you please explain why Lucas punched me?" Farkle asks, wincing.

"I asked him why he was so upset and he said it was because"

"What about us?"

"Well...uh...he heard Caden."

Farkle's eyes grow wide, "Oh."

"He was mad, but he'd never punch a girl, so you were behind him and well here we are."

"Here we are indeed." He mutters.

"What are we gonna do, Farkle? The kids are scared, Maya's confused, Lucas is mad. This isn't how this was all supposed to go."

"How was it supposed to go?" Farkle asks, tilting his head.

"We'd be paired, we'd fall in love, the kids would behave beautifully, and it would be over."

"Did you want to be paired with me?"

Yes, ever since 8th grade.

I blush, "Yeah, I guess so."

Farkle smiles, "I'm gonna miss this."

"Me too."

I will miss this, I'll miss him.

Meanwhile at the Friar/Hart home....

"Lucas I can't believe you did that!!" Maya screams.

Lucas rolls his eyes, "Why do you even care?"

"Farkle and Riley are our friends! Why you would intentionally hurt one of them, I don't know!"

"Do you know what it's like to have your best friend in love with the girl you love? And instead of loving you like she should she loves him?"

Maya nods, "Yeah, kinda. But that's not what's important. You hurt our friends."

"They'll be fine. They have each other." Lucas states bitterly.

"And they're supposed to have us too, but now they don't know if they do." Maya snaps back.

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