Morning Routines

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Riley's POV:

Things have been pretty good this past year. My scars are all healed up and I have 2 amazing new sisters, an new brother, a new house and a new boyfriend. 

4:30 am.

Every morning at that exact time Isabella and Sebastian wake up. It's kind of a routine actually. Since the move dad took up the job of being a lawyer like mom. I was just as surprised as she was. He's actually a really good one, but they always have to leave for work super early.

At 4:30 every morning Bella and Sebastian begin to cry, which is normal considering their only a month old, which wakes up my one month old puppies Chloe, Princess, and Bree. Together all 5 of them are kind of or alarm clock in the morning. I jumped out of bed and ran to the hallway where I saw Maya running out of her room.

R- Which one do you want?

M- I'll take Sabastian this time. You get Bella and take the dogs out and I'll wake up Auggie?

R- Deal. Meet back in the kitchen for breakfast.

M- See you there.

R- See ya.

With that Maya and I ran together down the hallway. I ran into Bella's room and she ran I to Sebastian's. I picked Bella up and rocked her in my arms. She stopped crying and started laughing instead. Maya came in a second later with Sebastian in her arms. We rocked them both until they fell asleep. We decided it was best to keep them with us while we did our morning routine together. Maya left to wake up Auggie with Sebastian and I took Bella with me to take the dogs outside. I wrapped Bella up in a fuzzy pink blanket and a beanie because it's cold outside and I put the dogs on their leashed. The 5 of us made our way outside.

Once the dogs had done their business we all walked back inside and I took off the dogs leashes and let them roam the house. Maya wasn't back from waking up and getting Auggie ready yet so i decided to go back and clean my room with Isabella.

When I got to my room I turned the light the lights on and jumped at the 4 figures at my bay window.

R- Lucas? Farkle? Zay? Smackle? What are you guys doing here so early?

L- We know that things have gotten a little crazy since the babies were born so we decided to come help out a bit.

R- Awe, that's so sweet. I have to put Bella in her bassinet. Just gone me a sec. I'll go get Maya and Sebastian and Auggie and then we can all go eat in the kitchen. Lucas can you watch her? The rest of you can go downstairs if you want.

I put Bella in her crib and left to go get Maya, Sebastian and Auggie. When I got to the room I heard Maya whisper yelling at Auggie.

M- Come on Auggie we have to go.

A- This hair takes time Maya.

R- Auggie. Hurry up please. Maya, Zay Farkle, Smackle and Lucas are here to help out a bit.


Over the past year Auggie and Lucas have become really close. I love that he gets along with my boyfriend. It makes life easier.

Due to Auggies sudden outburst, Sebastian woke up and started crying. I took him from Maya's arms and rocked him back to sleep.

R- You can go Maya. Everyone's in the kitchen. And yes Auggie Lucas Is here. He's in my room with Bella. Just be very quiet, okay?

A- Got it.

With that Auggie zoomed out of his room and ran towards mine. I followed him, but walking.

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