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Knock knock knock!!

"Riley baby I have to get up. Someone's at the door and I have to walk down two flights of stairs," I told my wife as she started shuffling in the sheets.

"You can't go Lucas. It's 3 in the morning," she said pulling me closer.

"Princess it's 3 pm," I said with a chuckle.

"Fine but help me sit up first," she said annoyed. Since she's in the last month the twins have been stressing her out. I got out of the bed and helped as she sat up against the headboard and grabbed the remote.

"Who were you expecting to come over," she asks sleepily

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"Who were you expecting to come over," she asks sleepily.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," I said. "I'll be right back." With one last kiss to her lips I took off down the stairs to the front door. When I got to the living I saw Auggie and Ava had already opened the door and everyone was playing with Isabella and Sebastian.

Incoming Text from Wifey💍

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Incoming Text from Wifey💍

➡️ Can you bring back some watermelon balls please?

Text to Wifey💍

⬅️ No problem babe.

I tucked my phone in my pocket and looked back up at everyone.

"Hey guys. What's up," I asked as they all played with Sebastian and Isabella.

"We came to see you and honey. Is she upstairs," Maya asked.

"Yeah she's upstairs. The doctor put her on bed rest of the remainder of the pregnancy after the last sonogram and no one's really gone up there. I think she'd line to see y'all. You should go up there and see her Augs. You and Ava can take the Bella and Sebastian. I've got to get her something to eat but I'll be up there in a bit," I said. As soon as I was done Maya and Isadora booked it upstairs while Farkle and Zay grabbed Bella and Sebastian and followed Auggie and Ava.

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