New Story?

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Hey you guys I know it's been super long since I've been writing and Rucas fan fiction but I'm curious to know if anyone would read the book if I was to do another one.

The idea I have is that Topanga ended up taking the job in London and the Matthews moved to London. In that time the group of friends branches off and goes their own ways. Obviously Riley will have kept in touch throughout everything but Riley lost contact with the others based off a tragic event that happened to her when she was in, what it is considered in America, her sophomore year of high school.

Now in heir senior year of high school Riley returns, only to Maya's knowledge and surprises everyone. Eventually they would find out what happened to her but not without some struggle.

So what do you guys think? Would you read it? Let me know in the comments and maybe I'll write it. Obviously the main ship would be Rivas but I want to know what you guys and gals think.

Just to let you all know that even if I don't write it as a Rucas book I will write it as another book. I know it may defeat the purpose of making it into a Rucas book but the book idea has been on my mind for a long time and i absolutely want to write it, but when it comes to GMW i feel like i know the characters more and it would be easier to go off of what is already given to me rather than just starting from scratch. If you have any suggestions please privately message me and I will jot them down in my notes and see what I can create with them.

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