Oh Boy

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Oh, boy

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Oh, boy. This cannot be happening. I can't be an 18 year old mom! Lucas can't be an 19 year old dad! What if he doesn't even want me anymore?!

Our date was just a few weeks ago and he had ended up staying the night. After that night I was throwing up nonstop each morning. Luckily my parents have been real busy with work to notice that anything is changing and Lucas started football practice so he was busy most of the time. Maya was the only one who knew.

I was thrown out of my daze by someone opening my bedroom door so I quickly hid the test in my pillow case.

"You ready for school sweetheart," my mom said peeking her head in the door.

"Yeah," I said. I didn't like lying to my mom. I have to tell her the truth. "Actually, could you bring everyone in here please? There's something I need to get off my chest."

"Is everything okay honey," she asked.

"Not really," I said.

"Okay then. I'll be right back with everyone," she said. She left my room and a few minutes later everyone came piling into my room.

"What's the matter sweetheart," my dad asked. Immediately I started crying.

I told them what was happening and handed them the test. The gave each other a look and smiled back at me sadly. They got up from my bed and gave me a hug.

"Your not mad," I asked between my tears.

"Riley look at us," my mom said.

"Were not mad at you. It may not be the path we wanted for you but it's over with. We know that you'll be a great mom because you take care of two babies half the time while we're at work," my dad saiid petting my hair.

"However you did make he decision so you are going to keep the baby. You won't have to worry about the bullies either because school's only got a month and you wanted to take sometime off from going to school so you'll use the time to stay home and take care of the boy or girl. We'll be right here every step of the way," my mom said matter of factly.

"Thank you for understanding," I said hugging them back.

"Have you told Lucas yet," my father asked.

"No. I'm scared he'll leave me," I said crying again.

"Of he does I'll get the documents signed and he'll have to pay for child support and everything," my mother said in her lawyer voice, making my giggle while I wiped away my tears.

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