Chapter 3

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Matt pov What would you tell Sora if Tai didn't stop laughing? Tk asks her........ Lily smiles and picks up Salamon.... That Tai is so manly in love with her..... Lily snickers.... And I have something to tell you has will Tk.... Lily says blushing......... I snickered... She is going to tell my brother her feeling's for him...... What is it? He asks..... She blushes... Close your eyes... She stutters out... I gaped she was going to kiss him...... She is bold.... I smirk....... She will make a find girl for my brother....... She puts her lips to his....... He opens his eyes and gaps..... Lily......... He says shocked......... I need to think about this.... He said.... She burst into tears..... I try to tell you my feeling's! TAKERU TAKAISHI YOU JERK!!!!!! She screams running away crying........ Gatomon Digivolve too... Angewomon! I will find her don't worry Tai..... Let me come with you she is my little Onee-chan after all.... Tai says..... Matt watch over everyone in tell I get back..... He says.... Right man good luck! I said..... I saw the look on TK's face..... Hey Little man it's okay you didn't know she has the same feeling's back for you..... I cooed him...... But Matt I just said the things that...... Hey You didn't know she was going to kiss you.... I said.... But still I was a jerk what if she never forgives me..... He sounds broke...... Tk listen to me You are Lily's best friend her crush why would she hate you..... I said.... I smirk..... I know something that will make him feel better..... I will steal her from you..... I whisper teasing....... He gaps at me in shock... She is mine! He pouts at me...... Really I though I hear Tai say Lily likes older man like me.... I smirk teasing more.... She is mine mine all mine! He pouts angry..... TK! I heard a gaped... We turn around and see a blushing Lily..... I like you too wait I love you to! She squeals and hugs him.... WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tai yells..... Yes Man/ onii-chan? Me and Lily both ask..... My Onee-chan has a boyfriend before me! He whines....... Oh Oh OH OH ONii-chan I never knew you where into boys..... Lily smirks........... Wait no! He stick's his tongue out at that...... I like SORA!!!! He yells..... Lily smirks............ Tai you like me? Sora asks blushing........ YAYA TK our plan worked!!!!!!! She cheered...... Wait what Plan!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??! Everyone but Me Gabumon Gatomon Patamon..... Of course it did Lils.... He chuckles.... Now Mattie you have a pink Girl to ask..... Tk and Lily say quiet to me.... I blushed....... I walk over to Mimi.... Your Mine.... I said and Kissed Mimi...... Lily pov Mattie walked over to Mimi-chan... Your mine and he kisses her.... She turns bright red and kisses back..... EW! Me and TK say sticking our tongue's out....... HEY You and TK kissed Onee-chan! Tai says.... Wait TK kissed you....... Tai growls...... Gatomon! I yell..... She jumps in front of me and TK...... Now Tai Tk is going to be your Onee-chan's boyfriend...... You can't hurt him.... Gatomon says..... He pouts..... Stupid.... I mumble.... What was that? He asks..... I called you stupid...... I say innocence........ He gives me a look..... Mattie laughs at Tai..... You wanna go Matt!!!!!!!! Onii-chan snarls..... Bring it on Taichi! Mattie growls..... I roll my eyes with Gatomon....... This is our leader..... I say sarcastic... HEY LILLIAN HIKARI KAMIYA DON'T USE THAT TONE WITH ME!!!!!! ONii-chan scolds me....... What tone? I say sarcastic...... That tone! He scolds me..... I roll my eyes.... Don't roll your eyes at me! He scolds me....... I love you ONII-CHAN..... I hug his leg......... Smiling sweet to sweet but he is dumb and falls for it..... I love you too onee-chan...... He says smiling and picks me up...... I curl up in his arms tried... I yawn....... Go to sleep.... He says..... I fall asleep........ The Next Moring.... Moring Gatomon.... I whispered...... Moring Lily..... She whispers back..... We are walking in a desert..... I was very red in the face....... I was slow... Lily are you Okay??? Gatomon asks me worried.... Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Yeah...... I stuttered out....... Gatomon remember when I tolled you how me and Kari get sick easy..... I pant..... Yeah.... She says worried..... This heat isn't helping Normally I'm stronger then Kari is, but with this. I trailed off........ She digivolves to Angewomon and picks me up in her arms..... Izzy, come here, Izzy. Tentomon says..... We better find some shade soon for Joe and Lily is close to fainting as will.... Tentomon said looking over at me and Izzy look over at me has will..... What? Joe asked.. Tai looked over at me I get up weak has Angewomon goes back to Gatomon....... Gatomon keeps looking at me worried........ Wait I see something up ahead....... It not much but it looks like it is water.... Tai says.... Yeah we should get out of this desert.... Mattie says..... You mean before we all have the power a outage? I'll vote for that. Tentomon says.. Yay! Me and Gatomon cheered, But I was a little weaker which made my Onii-chan rush to my side Immediately... Darn it! I though.... Lil, Your're burning up. Why didn't you say anything before? He asked after he felt my forehead which was drenched in sweat and my bangs where sticking to it. I didn't wanna bug anyone. I said. He signed at that and then stood up... Don't worry, I got her. Gatomon says has she digivolve's into Angewoman again.... Tai nodded at that.... She picks me up in her arms... WOW she is really strong.... I though with a weak smile... I love my partner.... I though... Wait; hold on for just a second everyone. Tai said when he saw something in the distance and walked over to Mattie, pulling out his mini telescope to get a better look. If I'm seeing what I think I I'm seeing. My Onii-chan Trailed off. Did you find the Flying Dutchmen's treasure? I asked making TK giggle... It's not a mirage. It's real water. Tai said Everyone perk up hopeful. Everyone then run to a village that Tai saw water in, everyone looking forward to having a nice cold drink and Gatomon was most concerned about getting me somewhere that had some shade. Talk about a great friend. I smiled and hugged her around the arms.... Has she was flying in the air..... Your the best Angewomon! I say smiling cute.... Thank you Lily.... She smiles softy down at me has I fall asleep in her arms tried.... We got back on the ground... You still with me Lily? Angewmon asks me.. Y-yeah. I panted. I'll be better when I get some water drink, Though. I swear I'm going to pass out soon. What's wrong with Lily? Joe asks and I look at him with blurry eyes to see that he has a bunch of Yokomon on him and he was also holding Gomamon. I think she's sick. She hasn't been feeling too good... My angel says.... Let me see her. Joe said coming over and felt my forehead. She is exhausted from all the walking and the heat must be getting to her, too She needs to rest in a cool spot and lots of water. He said.. That's good to hear. Gabumon said. Sora is in trouble..... I go pale.... Not the girl that my Onii-chan likes! I screeched in my head...... Sora! I yell hoarse..... Tai-chan do something! I yell rasp at my Onii-chan to save Sora... He shakes in fear..... I gaped in horror my Onii-chan is scared!!! I though....... Will this is like that one time with me and Kari when we got sick...... Biyomon Digivovle too... BIRDAMON! UN HUH GO BIRDAMON! I cheer........ Oh Ouch! I moan about my throat..... My throat hurts! I wailed...... We get to the village.... It toke some time and I was about to faint from not having food and water... I though... I look at Gatomon she was glaring at the food... If she thinks there is something wrong with the food and water  then I won't eat or Drink anything... Gatomon.... I whisper..... Something isn't right here... She says to me quiet..... Yeah I feel like same way... I whisper back.. 

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