Chapter 6

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Lily pov Come on Joe I know this is no day at the beach but we need to move now! Gomamon said to Joe as we walk through the forest. Something is not right. I though as I share a look with TK. TK you fell that too. I whispered as we walk with Gatomon and Patamon. Yeah like something is watching us. He whispers back. I whimper quiet. Whatever it is we will be ready. I said with a glare. Yeah! He agrees with me. And we will be willing to fight. Gatomon finishes with a glare like me. I giggle quiet like digidestined like Digimon. Me and Gatomon are more alike then I though. I giggled cutie. Tai looks at me in horror. What!? I roar at him. You giggled like a girl! He screech's. IN CASE you didn't notice I am a girl Brother dear! I roared at him. He whimpers scared of me. I smile innocence. Me and TK turn around.. AH!!!!!!!!!! We both scream in pain. HUH!? Everyone gapes.. TAICHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and TK screeched in pain. LILY!!!!!!! TK!!!!!! Gatomon and Patamon yelled.. HELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We scream as Shellmon was crushing us hard. Gatomon pov Let's go Patamon Our partners need us. I hissed. Your right Gatomon. He said.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily and TK scream in pain. Gatomon digivolve too... I said. ANGEWOMON! I was now in a pink cloths. Patamon digivolve too... ANGEMON! He said. Your the MON ANGEWOMON ANGEMON! Lily and TK cheered. Celestial Arrow! I said. Hand of faith! Angemon said. Your the MON! Lily and TK cheer in our arms. I giggled at my partner. TK!!!!!! Lily!!!! Matt and Tai yelled picking them up.. Lily picks me up.. You where the MON NYAROMON! She said proudly. I blushed. I giggled and cuddled up in her arms tried. I love you nyaromon. She said hugging me tightly. I love you too Lily. I cuddled up more to her. Nyaromon can I ask how you digivolve without the Crest of light not working? Tai asked. And the same for the Crest of hope. Matt said looking at Patamon. I don't know all I though was to save Lily and I digivolve and Patamon felt the same way about TK. I said. We are your Digimon we are to protect you and willing to fight all the big guys for you. I said. Yeah before I met TK I though I was just some digimon that would never have a partner but when you guys came here I knew TK was the holder of hope just as Lily is the Holder of Light. Light Hope and Harmony are meant to be with each other or the real world and the digi world are in trouble. Patamon finishes. Lily pov I have a feeling who is the holder of Harmony and Tai won't like it. He doesn't like it that I am the holder of Light and he really won't like Kari being the holder of Harmony. I though with a grimace face. Lily? Nyaromon whispers to me... I know who the holder of Harmony is Gato. I whisper back. Really who? She asks quiet. Kari. I whispered. She gets a look of horror. It's bad a enough Tai is over Protective of you and if he finds out Kari is the Holder of Harmony he is going to bellow his top. She flinches. That is why we tell him slowly. I said. Your right. She says. TK come here Tk! I call quiet. He walks over with Matt and Patamon. I get that look of grimace again on my face. I know that look. TK said. I share a look with Gato. She nods. I know who is the holder of Harmony. I whisper out scared. WHO? They both ask.  K K K K K K K K K My sister Kari. I whisper out shaking scared. They gaped. We need to be slow with Tai he doesn't like it already that I am the holder of Light this is going to be very. I cut myself off. Hard. Matt finishes for me. I nod. Yes it will. I said. I Will Support you no matter what. Gato promises me. I smiled. Gatomon is such a great friend and Digimon for me. I though smiling. Tai I need to tell you something. I said nervous. Tk Takes my hand to clam me down and it works. I smile at him in thanks. What's up Nee-chan? He asks me. I start to shake in fear. K K K K K Kari is. I stuttered out breathing hard. Kari is the Child of Harmony Onii-chan. I said nervous. He blinks... Un-Freaking Believable! First my sweet little Lily now if the world hates me that much now my other sister! He rants. My life sucks to buddy. I mocked him. He gives me a look for saying that. Your 8 you shouldn't say things like that. He scolds me. Oh yeah. I smirk. You said stuff like that all the time Onii-chan. I smile innocence. TAI YOU WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! SORA ROARS at him.. Lily or Kari could pick that up! You Idiot! She yells and hits him in the head. Oh Ouch! SORA!!!!!!! He whines. I snickered quiet with Gatomon. YAYA SHOW HIM SORA!!!!!! I cheered. HEY I'M your Brother! He whines. I bet my money on Sora! I couldn't help but say. WHAT I'M YOUR BROTHER!!!!! Tai yells. I want to see you get hit in the face with a snowball. I smirk. Matt smirks and Sora giggles. I cough quiet. Gatomon looks at me worried. It's the cold. I said red in the face. What are we going to do guys? Sora asks nervous. SOMEONE MAKE A PLAN AND FAST!!!!!! I yell and then start having a coughing fit. Lily!!! Tai yelled and ran over to me picking me up. I curl up to his warm body. We need to find a place that is warm for the night. Tai said like a leader. I groaned feeling my throat hurt badly. Onii-chan my throat hurts! I pout with sick eyes. I know I know just try to go to sleep. He said. I fall asleep. The Next Moring. Tai are Humans supposed to look this red? Gatomon asks worried when looking at me as I breath hard in my sleep. He felt my forehead. Oh my god! She is burning up! He gapes. Tai pov OH my god she is burning up! I let out a worried screech. The last time she was this sick was when she and Kari were only 3 and 4. And it was all my fault. MATT SORA!!!!! I hollered.. They run in fast. Sora looks at Lily. She is getting worst. Sora said worried. I want you to stay with her in tell I get back finding medicine with Matt Sora. I said Serious. Find just be careful Tai. She says to me. I promise. I said. All of us will look after Lily in tell you get back with Medicine Tai. Sora said. Yeah don't worry Tai Lily is in good hands. Gatomon says with a big smile. I know. If somehow you guys are attacked get out of here me and Matt will know where you are with this. I said giving one to Sora. Alright then see you guys soon. Sora says as we leave. Agumon let's rock it! I yelled. Gabumon let's roll!! Matt yells. O O O O O Onii-chan be careful and don't do anything stupid! She says hoarse. Matt. She begs him with her sick eyes. Of course I watch him Lils you get some rest okay. He says softy to her like he does TK. She nods and falls asleep. Stupid Onii-chan. She mumbles in her sleep. I chuckled with Matt as we leave. 

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