Chapter 4

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Gatomon pov After Lily had a lot of food and water she looked better and I was happy about that... I smiled..... Lily was holding me has we were walking...... We passed this place before.. Sora says.. NO We couldn't walked that far! Mimi whines tried...... Lily giggles with TK.... Matt puts Mimi on his back.... Matt! She yells blushing.... Your welcome princess.... He smirks... My feet are hot... TK whines...... Lily pov I fall to the ground next to him.... Gatomon sat beside me, looking ready to go still and I wondered where how she had so much energy to keep going. Looks like we are taking a break. Matt said has he, Izzy Tai Sora and Joe stood in front of us Mimi, TK  and Me. It's not like we have someplace to be. Sora said agreeing. I guess your right. There's no reason to hurry. Tai said. Check out Izzy. I bet he's trying to e-mail the aliens. Matt said when he saw Izzy opened up his laptop. Maybe he's e-mailing them to beam him up. My brother joked. I roll my eyes and I look over at the Genius. Izzy... I whispered and walk over to him with Gatomon and TK.... IZZY is Everything okay? I asked..... Yeah I just am trying to find out what to do next and Tai! He says over dramatic.... Yes? He asks confused... Why can't you be more like Lily.... He said sarcastic..... What you want me to be a girl!!!!! He screech's.... I hiss along with Sora Mimi Gatomon and Biyomon glares at my Idiot of a brother.... What.... I hiss.... Is... Mimi growled after me... Wrong. Sora hisses..... With.. Gatomon growls... Being... Biyomon hiss.... A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all yell at him.... Noting!!!! He yelps.... HUMP! I turn my nose up in the air.... I sit back down with Gatomon in my arms.... Still crashed and the warrantee's expired. Izzy Signed with a frown on his face. Hey, Izzy, I know how to get it boot up! Tai said running over and took the laptop from him and begun whacking it. Hey, Wait! Izzy Yelled has he grabbed his laptop back and moved a few feet away from him has he held it under his arm. Are your brain cells malfunctioning? Izzy asked making me  tilt my head in confused. What was that supposed to mean? If that means he's dumb, then the answer is yes. I said making me my brother frown at me as Gatomon giggled at that. Lil. Tai said in a warning tone. Sorry. I said and leaned back down on the ground with Gatomon sitting next to me and with my arms behind my head. Gosh, You're acting like I'm hurting the dumb thing. Tai said with a shrug. Too bad your brain isn't as big as your hair. Maybe Izzy doesn't want grimy finger prints and dents on his computer. Sora said making Tai pout and cross his arms as I smirked. See why me and Kari Admire this girl? Hey take a look over there. Tai said pointing at a boat. I narrow my eyes at the boat. Gatomon you with me... I whisper. Yeah. She said narrowing her eyes at the both too. Hey you guys, Listen up! Tai yelled as he ran over. What do ya mean, Tai? Matt ask. Finally lost your mind? I asked making Gatomon giggle. Just then some huge Cyborg just jumped through the floor or roof of the building we were standing on right in front of us. Oh my god! It's the Terminator! I yelped latching onto TK and he did the same to me. Gatomon jumped in front of me Protective. Actually, that Andromon. Tentomon said. Let me guess he is a nice Digimon and we have noting to worry about. I said sarcastic. He was pointing at me and Tk. Bring Missiles to position. He said. It was coming at me and TK! And... FIRE! He said. TAI! I yelled. MATT HELP! TK yelled as we clung to each other. TK! LILLIAN! Both our brothers yell in worry as their gizmos both started to glow in this bright white light also covered Gabumon and Agumon. Gabumon digivolve too... GARURUMON! Agumon digivolve too... GREYMON! HOWLING BLASTER! MEGA FLAME! I watched as he was throwing Garurumon and Gerymon around like toys... Is it possible that we could lose? Tai asked himself. He's beaten them both now. Tai sounded Frustrated and Frightened. Looks like there's no hope. Matt said sadly. No hope? NO HOPE! I did not survive not eating food or having noting to drink and a wannabe Terminator. We can't just give up now! I refuse to do that. There's gotta be something we can do. I am not dying this way and I doubt anyone here wants to die like this either, so stop acting so Pathetic and somebody DO SOMETHING! I yelled Making everyone look at me in shock. Gatomon smirks. After awhile.... Sorry I'm normally Non-violent Digimon. Andromon explained. You couldn't of fooled us. Tai said as he stood in front of me in a Protective way. No kidding. Sora said. See why Me and Kari admire this girl if only our onii-chan would take a hint. I sign. I told you he was a digimon and not android. She whispers to Joe. I never meant to anyone. Andromon begun apologetically. Don't give it another though, Hey we all make mistakes. Matt assured. Yeah, I do it all the time. It's no biggie. I said with a smile. This way. Andromon said. We followed him. This is where I can help you get far. Andromon said. Thanks for all your help, Andromon. My brother said. I hope you find your way home, and no matter what try to remember the big guy that turned out to be not so bad. Andromon said to us. There's one thing you can cont on; we'll never forget you Andromon. Tai said. I guess he is a okay guy he helped us after all. Gatomon want me to carry you? I asked her seeing her about to fall over... I am worried she is sick.. Y-Yes. She stutters out red in the face. I pick her up. I gaped. She is burning up. IZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I let out a scream holding a sick Gatomon. Everyone runs over to me. Lily I'm find really. She says very red. Gatomon you are sick! I said worried. Please Gatomon I can't stand to see you like this let Joe take care of you. I beg her. Okay. She says. Joe please. I begged him with tears in my eyes. Okay I have what she needs but give Gatomon to me Lily. What! I let out a yelp Holding Gatomon Protective. Lily just give me to Joe then I will be back in your arms soon. She promises me. I pouted. Find but Joe. I said giving him a look. I know Lily. He said I unwilling give Gatomon to Joe. I jump in Sora's arms. I hate seeing Her like this Sora. I whimper. I know. She says like a mother stroking my hair. I fall asleep. I open my eyes. Gatomon! I cheer. She giggles. I just needed water and a lot of food. She says. Oh thank God! I said hugging her close to me. When we get to the next place. I really wonder though about  when Gatomon will finally Digivolve and I get to see what she looks like. I hope it's soon. 

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